Donald Trump Defends Arizona's Immigration Law: "TRUMP: Well, I think everybody needs to have papers, you know, and be legally here. We need to have papers if we go anywhere else in the world, so people need to have also the papers here."...
..."King asked if he felt Mexican-Americans are right to feel disdainful of the law, and that's when things got a little weird:
TRUMP: Well, I can see that, but if you think about it, and nobody wants to say it, you have a Mexican-American, and then you have a blonde guy walking down the street, well Mexico doesn't have a lot of blondes, okay? And these are the people who are coming across the border.
And then Trump went on to take the other side of the issue, saying that "you have a lot of great people coming in" to pick crops and mow lawns (and, you know, build dodgy condo-hotels), and that these are jobs that Trump feels "not a lot of Americans" want to do."...
.."Anyway, there you have it. Donald Trump has opinions on immigration, for some reason, and CNN had some cameras just sitting there, with nothing better to do, so this happened!"