Jon Stewart Mocks Media Reaction To Michael Hastings' Ability To Do Actual Journalism: "Politico, riffing on the Hastings story, accidentally told the truth about their journalistic values, publishing this paragraph in one of their stories on the matter:
...'And as a freelance reporter, Hastings would be considered a bigger risk to be given unfettered access, compared with a beat reporter, who would not risk burning bridges by publishing many of McChrystal's remarks. '
That statement is as true as an azure sky. Too true! Because sometime after it went up on Politico, it was taken down. Mysteriously! And no one at Politico wants to say why! Probably because it was the equivalent of publishing the eleven herbs and spices they use to make cheap-ass chicken palatable."
..."UPDATE: Politico's Tim Grieve responds to Rosen, saying that the paragraph in question was dropped as the piece was reworked to accommodate additional news. 'Together with the other adds that had come in during the day,' Grieve says, 'my inserts made the story very long and unwieldy, so I quickly deleted or substantially reworked more than a dozen paragraphs that struck me as either tangential or out-of-date.'...
It's too bad, because it was the most valuable paragraph in the whole story."