Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The War is Over, and We Won, says Bush's New Sleazeball

Bush Cuts Himself a New One: "His faith in U.S. power translated into an optimistic view of the war. In 2003, he mocked the BBC for asserting the United States 'could take, bluntly, a couple to 3,000 casualties.' Later that year, he wrote, 'Not too far down the road, today's drumbeat about America's failure to bring instant recovery to Iraq may look quite rash.'
A year later, he wrote a piece titled 'How America Is Winning a Guerilla War.' A year after that, he declared victory. 'The War is Over, and We Won,' announced a June 2005 piece. 'With the exception of periodic flare-ups in isolated corners, our struggle in Iraq as warfare is over,' he wrote. Although there will still be 'egregious acts of terror,' he said, 'contrary to the impression given by most newspaper headlines, the United States has won the day in Iraq.'"


"The Clintons in particular are anathema. He is "a chronic liar, an out-of-control adulterer, an obstructer of justice, a draft dodger, an all-round morally challenged sleazeball." She has shown "a disturbing pattern of reflexive truth-stretching and reality-doctoring."

He's solidly to the right of the men's room.

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