Granted, the tree of knowledge comes with options - some not so good.
I have never been able to find any better consideration of the issue of copyright than provided by Thomas Jefferson's thoughts and proposals on the issue. I totally share his concerns and doubts about the nature and scope of copyright. I believe that his ideas on creative and intellectual pursuit would have taken us in a different direction, and I'm afraid we missed the chance to build a more sustainable culture; instead embarking on a headlong, unstoppable march toward boundless acquisition, private survival and public abandonment. We will end up with heaps of valueless trash, owned by the likes of Sonny Bono's heirs - far into the foreseeable future.
The only way all of this is not cringeworthy is if you don't think about it To my mind, hearing the greed and saturation when Prince speaks of all that he considers to be his, is as disquieting as it gets. It's as if he believes he owns musical notes; not merely a planned sequence of them.
I'm with Jefferson on this one, and I see a catastrophe; you don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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