Qwikster out - Skrewster in -
The new Wells Fargo and BofA card fees - charged to those who don't have a big chunk cash in their account - are really just the latest evidence of the 'Serfs and Lords' morality brewing in the dark hearts and minds of uber-wealt
hy conservati
ves - who sense an explosion of new power, and believe that their time has finally come to re-arrange American culture and establish once and for all that personal profit, and the individual autonomy that flows from it, is the goal of human endeavor - and the government
's only role is to protect those endeavors.
Reagan's famous, mythical 'Shining City on a Hill' turns out to be where all the pool-clean
ing, leaf-blowi
ng, dignity-cr
ushing jobs of the future will be for those who thought they were middle-cla
ss enjoyers of the American Dream... and they'll spend their nights back down in the streets of Serf City.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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