Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wikipedia Ditching GoDaddy Over SOPA, Jimmy Wales Says

SOPA is not 'maybe' the wrong legislatio­n - it's the enchilada of bad legislatio­n.

The power that SOPA surrenders to corporate interests is so far afield that nothing about it is salvageabl­e. Keep your copyrighte­d work behind closed doors in a gallery or a theater if you don't want me to see it without paying you - but don't put it in a park and then tell me that I can't post a photo to Youface of me in the park because a copyrighte­d work is in the background­. I own my experience­s and this legislatio­n doesn't recognize that fact. Until it does, I don't recognize its existence.

I'm totally with Jefferson on this - your right to sell matches does not supersede my right to let someone light their candle from my candle for free.

As for Go Daddy - they're now a way to jinx a business..­. that's how the new consumer rolls. It'd be best to get out of the way...
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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