Like Bush, and the other Bush, and Reagan - are those the examples you have in mind? Or are you just mindlessly breaking wind and emptying the room with nonsense? About Steve King Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...that's unclean, ground-level hatred. Lots of people can and do disagree with his Presidency, but the entire world sees that man as a father of the highest order. Enjoy your singular fate. About Steve King Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...that fits perfectly. The lunatic right thinks that the Obama 'White House" era is a home invasion by the people from the other side of the tracks. About Steve King Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Expert...? He's not claiming any status beyond being a fellow of the same national-cultural background, and not wanting to see it tarnished by poor thinking or bad actions. About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
John Lennon's pair of bloody glasses - recently brought to the world's attention, is an incredible, powerful image, and especially so in that they are bloody no matter what Lennon's opinion was on hate, violence, peace or anything else. That's the kind of mindless power the gun brings to the table, the community, and all the places you live. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
they think they're characters in a western, serenaded by the NRA and cheered on by the lowest level thinking available today. About Guns Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...there are always lazy teenagers - for myriad reasons; some negative; some not. But it's usually a wonderful, ubiquitous codephrase for a political stance against progressive values. True story! About Yahoo! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
When I was a senior at Hollywood High, the President wanted me to ask what I could do for my country. When Sinatra sang Strangers in the Night I was in the room - working, and when Armstrong stepped onto the moon I was having sex with my wife. So you're wrong. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
We are supposed to be looking for people like Swartz to help the world build a better boat, not to chain him to the mast for seeing and feeling the provocative choices ahead.
Some people believe that a 'monster' is what intelligence would look like if it could look like something. Those people are the enemy, not Aaron and the army of gentle crazies that can see things that we all need to see. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Reagan began the new rules and they've been grinding down America ever since. Think whatever you want; secede soon, and good luck. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thank goodness there are no crazy law-enforcement types telling everyone that they'll only enforce laws they like. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to be so relaxed and confident that good was winning... but just in case, I bought a used missle from the Surface To Surface Service. About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
As long as the "norm" includes the 60 vote threshold for Congressional action on - almost anything, then America has effectively lost the ability to heal, and soon, to even breathe. Nobody likes to talk about it, but the Reagan 'revolution' strangled the American middle-class, and now here we are - a nation of frycooks and billionaires... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Yummy... Employers just love to have this kind of snarkfest erupt in their workplace - it makes everyone so darned happy to come to work. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
You're listening to music that was never written. If you, like some others, believe that a dead constitution is what the founders had in mind, then you seek to inherit the wind. The problem is that a whole bunch of us think that it's too important to let you folks anchor America in the wrong harbor, and let the foundations of our homes rot. About Gay Marriage Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The only reason not to put this guy in an air-tight jar, is that it's illegal. But one can hope that somebody somewhere doesn't know that law... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Did an officer of the law make the movie?... pay attention - anybody can make a movie these days, but a sheriff is supposed to act like a responsible adult; not a pathetic bigoted bottom-dweller! About Republicans Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
You need more electrolytes - then you would notice that nobody you know buys a house for cash - they borrow tons of money and make payments. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
As much as the founder of Whole Foods drives me up the wall with his unattractive political musings, I am totally behind his stand on GMO food and on truthful, full disclosre labeling. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The Priebus "Vote Avoidance Plan" is working perfectly. Now he needs to get busy with his "Baggers Bashing Boomers" program and that dynamite "Scare Seniors" scheme - this guy is hot! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I agree with you. American workers are competing with much much cheaper foreign labor. That accounts for the plot of this movie, but doesn't yet explain who wins the final battle, and who goes down in flames. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The old south wanted a right to continue with slavery. It's a fact. If someone says you're wrong, get their coordinates... The day will come when you'll want to know their whereabouts. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I have no patience with the rabid gunslingers parading around their living rooms and man-caves with their threatening weaponry. But hey, I've finally got the message, and thanks to the malevolent efforts of the NRA, I know that they are an enemy of peace, and they know who they are, so staying away from each other is key... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Hmmm... but it sounds like your stupidectomy didn't go well at all. Try again, and ask for the 'Ben's Childsplay' special package. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
For me, it would be very expensive to be a republican - first off, I'd need a lobotomy to even stomach the thinking of a man whose head is filled with gems like "the rich have always been philanthropic" and "people are not going hungry on the streets -- they're always taken care of." Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The far right and it's T-Party fanatics are mocked because the world knows them as gun-crazy political lemmings; brought to a feverish pitch of great menace and trained malice. We watch them yanking personal freedoms and financial security out from under their own children's feet - leaving their future as whatever the wealthy choose to hand down to trapped, unrepresented, desperate, impoverished, American workers. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...they don't, plus they're comics, which is the thin thread that Coulter tries - and fails, to hang her schtick on. Her venom is the only takeaway whenever she opens her mouth... About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I think the only reason not to throw Ann Coulter into oncoming traffic is that it's illegal. UPDATE: it's confirmed - it's the only reason... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Richard Salsman can't multi-task, so he misses the phenomenon of having an apetite and learning how to manage it at the same time. Or, he 'can' multi-task and is just trying to muddy the waters so that he doesn't have to think at all... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Kelly is the right guy for this moment. I appreciate every public effort he has made to give clarity to the issue of gun violence, and especially in giving this crises a face - an ordinary man with the kind of integrity we will all need if we resolve to do the right thing Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The Amercan people are not being told about the collapse of the European economies because they wasted valuable time on their failed experiment in austerity. America is going the same route because of near insanity coming from the bleeding righties that are now leading the GOP. They are dangerous, malicious players - don't forgive them, for they know exactly what they do... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost