Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Chairmen: New House Leaders Have Familiar Ties to Business, Revolving Door

There a school of thought that says America is not great by dint of its special brilliance, but from its citizens' plundering of a geologic pile of riches, on a heretofore never-ending trail to a law-free horizon. Today is life at the end of that trail, and we are ill-prepared to acknowledge where we are and who we have become. These men we 'chose' to vote for don't even exist - they are just fleshy things that do the bidding of wealth and power.

When I was young I eagerly awaited the publication of a wildly anticipated 'Great American Novel' - promised often in the decades following WWII. But, it never came to exist. Clawing for spoils and booty from a kill site is an animals endeavor, not an achievement of human souls. The great American story turned out to be merely the call of greed.

When we become better at being human we might deserve a great book about us.

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