Sunday, November 06, 2011

Jan Brewer Struggles To Explain Why She Removed Colleen Coyle Mathis, Redistricting Commissioner

Governor Brewer's tenure is festooned with example after example of a leader running after her followers, yelling "wait up, I'm your leader...!­"

Today's despicable­, dizzying conservati­ve mob is going off in many directions at once - and there's not a map, or a compass, or even a cheap GPS device among the whole bunch of them - just those fingers pointing threatenin­gly in the direction of anything not yelling like a rebel - painting the scene in it's true colors - and bringing the danger into unmistakab­le focus.

That Jan Brewer is a pawn in all this is not enough to support anything less than her removal from office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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