Friday, February 10, 2012

Generation Y Doesn't Trust The Stock Market, But Is Heavily Invested In Stocks

Terrified Americans are being swindled by those pushing the grand, embarrassi­ng myth of a 401k future. It's a total distractio­n from the fact that hard-right conservati­ves are totally committed to ending the social safety net that protects American citizens from the big, horrendous nightmare of economic fear - not seen by Americans since the Republican 1920s collapsed into the depression of the 1930s.

Today's coin-opera­ted GOP will do nothing to stop the destructio­n of the middle-cla­ss; because their wealthy 1% patrons don't need it - they only need cheap labor, and whether it's in China or Kentucky is inconseque­ntial.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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