"It's still the same old story..." - Rick, in Casablanca
What is American culture? It's whatever's on the menu board at Walmart; it's the manifest desires of vast legions of idiot children of the rich; commanding tables, yachts, your lover, your banker; everything at all times, easily and disgustingly.
This is the wonderful world of Conservative Republican goals achieved. It's money money money the likes of which the world has never seen and it's all there is anymore - money and the plan and desire for more money.
There is no art world, revered and followed by young people; there is no "Great American Novel" about to be published - only Joe Scarborough cash-raiser books of political derangement; there is no American Way because money is all that you need. Screw Hemingway, get Monet out of the way, and what's that Warhol crap?
Americans sail outward in darkness to the screech of Harpie music, jettisoning their culture and indulging the unquenchable appetite for Golden Mousse - trapped by choice within the same old story of human corruption.
"Of course it's the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story." - Margaret Thatcher
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Vast Asshat Community
Joe The Plumber Suggests Lynching Chris Dodd: "Referring to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., more than once, Wurzelbacher asked, 'Why hasn't he been strung up?'"...
This plumber needs a helper. The shit is piling up, Joe.
"'Let me give you another extremist view, 'In God We Trust,' ' he said to wild applause. 'Say that too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot. It's terrible.'"
Here's what's terrible Joe: bullshit is terrible; lying is terrible, ignorance is terrible so yeah, it's terrible alright, but it's not even a contest - the American landscape is flush with victims of right-wing terrorism and violence: Oklahoma City, Dr. Tiller... on and on and on. Don't get into a pissing contest with us on this - we've got the facts and they'll choke you.
We're not talking about 'cranks' with a typewriter, or just a low-voltage Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher. Dangerous rightie terrorists are out there in the night in America, stewing at their laptops, laying there listening in their bunks, in their twin beds, grinding their thoughts of unsane inanities, hot fueled by Rush and Beck and Malkin and Coulter and the vast asshat community of the right-wing GOP.
This plumber needs a helper. The shit is piling up, Joe.
"'Let me give you another extremist view, 'In God We Trust,' ' he said to wild applause. 'Say that too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot. It's terrible.'"
Here's what's terrible Joe: bullshit is terrible; lying is terrible, ignorance is terrible so yeah, it's terrible alright, but it's not even a contest - the American landscape is flush with victims of right-wing terrorism and violence: Oklahoma City, Dr. Tiller... on and on and on. Don't get into a pissing contest with us on this - we've got the facts and they'll choke you.
We're not talking about 'cranks' with a typewriter, or just a low-voltage Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher. Dangerous rightie terrorists are out there in the night in America, stewing at their laptops, laying there listening in their bunks, in their twin beds, grinding their thoughts of unsane inanities, hot fueled by Rush and Beck and Malkin and Coulter and the vast asshat community of the right-wing GOP.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
"Call me, irresponsible, call me..."
Barbara Boxer joins moths in flight to the flames: "'Thank you for calling me 'Senator' and not 'sir,' McCain said to the host, grinning."
See? It's started already; just one of a gadzillion snipes speeding into the lexicon.
It’s Liz and Babs week in DC. Evidently Barbara Boxer screwed the pooch and missed the news – wrong week to whine over appellations. Didn’t she hear about the obsessed and now famous “Elizabeth” going berserk over being called “Liz”?
Now Boxer is “Babs” in every GOP jokefest in every bar on every coast. Of course, in the heartland she’s still the good ‘ole San Francisco liberal bitch, scratching endlessly on the blackboard with her hippie fingernails.
See? It's started already; just one of a gadzillion snipes speeding into the lexicon.
It’s Liz and Babs week in DC. Evidently Barbara Boxer screwed the pooch and missed the news – wrong week to whine over appellations. Didn’t she hear about the obsessed and now famous “Elizabeth” going berserk over being called “Liz”?
Now Boxer is “Babs” in every GOP jokefest in every bar on every coast. Of course, in the heartland she’s still the good ‘ole San Francisco liberal bitch, scratching endlessly on the blackboard with her hippie fingernails.
The Raised Seal - the soul of the new GOP

Tom "Birther Bill" Coburn crawls back under: "...federal candidates must affirmatively prove their eligibility."
In Coburn's world of guns for gods and Coulter gibberish, a candidate for federal office would be required to provide a 'state government-issued birth certificate with a raised seal' - just like they do in Oklahoma.
In Coburn's world of guns for gods and Coulter gibberish, a candidate for federal office would be required to provide a 'state government-issued birth certificate with a raised seal' - just like they do in Oklahoma.
Hold that club, 'Birther Bill', there may be a problem:
"Under the Oklahoma bill, wouldn't McCain have been ineligible? I don't believe he has a 'state government-issued birth certificate with a raised seal.' " - MJ, comment to Politico 6-9-09
MJ's right. He's the soldier who caved to the commies !!
We wanna see his raised seal !
Sunday, June 21, 2009
"Uh... like, uh..."
We Need More Than A Bump In The Rode To Stay Interested: "McCain also pointed a finger at the Obama administration in Bush's defense, saying she felt that the Obama administration 'has to stop completely blaming everything on its predecessor.' When Maher asked McCain if she really thought this is what Obama is doing, McCain said 'I do to a degree.' A clearly annoyed Paul Begala immediately shook his head and said 'not to enough of a degree, I'm sorry not nearly enough.' He then began to explain how President Reagan blamed Jimmy Carter for years, to which McCain responded blithely 'you know I wasn't born yet so I wouldn't know.' Going in for the kill, Begala fired back 'I wasn't born during the French Revolution but I know about it.'"
Ooooh, thanks Paul.
"I thought Begala's best line was about how his Catholocism taught him that sex was a filthy, dirty, disgusting practice that you save for those that you love the best." - Robodweeb (HuffPo commenter)
Ooooh, thanks Paul.
"I thought Begala's best line was about how his Catholocism taught him that sex was a filthy, dirty, disgusting practice that you save for those that you love the best." - Robodweeb (HuffPo commenter)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
"Bring an end to this false prophet Obama”
Into the Void with Voight: Jon Voight’s "devout wish was to 'bring an end to this false prophet Obama.'
This kind of rhetoric, with its pseudo-Scriptural call to action, is toxic. It is getting louder each day of the Obama presidency. No one, not even Fox News viewers, can say they weren’t warned."
I've written this before, but it still feels so pertinent: It's all around us, like particles in the air; everyone feels it, and feels it gathering into something else - something to dread, some first act of a most frightfull drama that will engulf the world.
This kind of rhetoric, with its pseudo-Scriptural call to action, is toxic. It is getting louder each day of the Obama presidency. No one, not even Fox News viewers, can say they weren’t warned."
I've written this before, but it still feels so pertinent: It's all around us, like particles in the air; everyone feels it, and feels it gathering into something else - something to dread, some first act of a most frightfull drama that will engulf the world.
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jennifer Aniston Honored At Film Gala: "'If anyone has a movie called Everlasting Love With an Adult Stable Man, that would be great!' Aniston joked. 'I'm at table six...'"
Gingrich treats most women as if they were "the oldest trick in the book."
Gingrich Accuses Sotomayor of Faking Broken Ankle: "'She's only wearing that fake cast to help her rack up votes,' Mr. Gingrich said. 'The minute she's confirmed, she'll whip it off and start dancing a jig.'"
"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor today of faking a broken ankle in order to get sympathy votes during her Senate confirmation.
While Ms. Sotomayor reportedly broke her ankle while rushing to catch a plane, the former House Speaker said, "The fake-ankle-cast thing is the oldest trick in the book."
"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor today of faking a broken ankle in order to get sympathy votes during her Senate confirmation.
While Ms. Sotomayor reportedly broke her ankle while rushing to catch a plane, the former House Speaker said, "The fake-ankle-cast thing is the oldest trick in the book."
Tool and Die
GOP Tool Scarborough Claims He Didn't Criticize DHS Report, But He Did:
He's like one of those headless women in an R. Crumb drawing - a brainless thug-creature used by GOP fans needing a quick fix of rightie gibberish.
Borrowing a phrase from Mary McCarthy, "every word he says is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'."
He's like one of those headless women in an R. Crumb drawing - a brainless thug-creature used by GOP fans needing a quick fix of rightie gibberish.
Borrowing a phrase from Mary McCarthy, "every word he says is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'."
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Let's Hurt Americans
Right-Wingers To Boycott GM: "They have to say no to GM products and services until such time as the denationalization occurs"
This is the GOP slithering along the floor looking for bugs.
This is the GOP slithering along the floor looking for bugs.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Slap Your Father
"That Conservatives Are Not To Be Trusted Now Confirmed": "Liberals and conservatives disagree about whether disgust has a valid place in making moral judgments, Pizarro argues. Some conservatives think there is inherent wisdom in repugnance, that feeling disgusted about something - gay sex between consenting adults, for example - is cause enough to judge it wrong or immoral, even lacking a concrete reason, Pizarro explains. Liberals tend to disagree, and are more likely to base judgments on whether an action or a thing causes actual harm, he said."...
..."Research published in 2007 in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that people who think of themselves as having high moral standards often become the worst cheats because they pursue what they believe to be a moral end at all cost."
"Studies suggest that conservatives are more often distressed by actions that seem disrespectful of authority, such as slapping Dad. Liberals don’t worry as long as Dad has given permission."
..."Research published in 2007 in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that people who think of themselves as having high moral standards often become the worst cheats because they pursue what they believe to be a moral end at all cost."
"Studies suggest that conservatives are more often distressed by actions that seem disrespectful of authority, such as slapping Dad. Liberals don’t worry as long as Dad has given permission."
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Pat Buchanan: "Hitler Was an Individual of Great Courage"
Buchanan laughs about his support for white supremacist politician: "Now, where ever would anyone have gotten the idea that Harrold Carswell was a racist? Maybe from a speech Carswell gave at an American Legion gathering in which he said: "I believe that segregation of the races is proper ... and the only practical and correct way of life in our states. I yield to no man in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy and I shall always be so governed.
Yeah, that's probably it."...
..."Pat Buchanan is perhaps the best-known bigot in America. He called Martin Luther King Jr. 'one of the most divisive men in contemporary history.' He called Adolf Hitler 'an individual of great courage' and wrote a column questioning whether World War II was 'worth it' and wondered, 'Why destroy Hitler?' He defends a self-proclaimed white supremacist from charges of racism. Nearly every day, he demonstrates contempt for women and minorities.
MSNBC's continued employment of him says a lot about the cable channel."
Yeah, that's probably it."...
..."Pat Buchanan is perhaps the best-known bigot in America. He called Martin Luther King Jr. 'one of the most divisive men in contemporary history.' He called Adolf Hitler 'an individual of great courage' and wrote a column questioning whether World War II was 'worth it' and wondered, 'Why destroy Hitler?' He defends a self-proclaimed white supremacist from charges of racism. Nearly every day, he demonstrates contempt for women and minorities.
MSNBC's continued employment of him says a lot about the cable channel."
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