Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Michelle Malkin Is A Virus

The Washington Post's Yen For Hot Rightie Lunatics: "Malkin is the field general for a squad of bitter pro-war dead-enders who lash out online against anyone who dares speak the truth about the war. She has been wrong about Iraq in every conceivable way, with a losing streak dating back more than 50 straight months. The consequences for having habitually botched the most important policy issue of the last decade? She's taken to lunch by a Washington Post reporter (the same reporter Malkin once derided as incompetent), who then splashes a friendly profile in the paper while carefully refusing to inform readers about Malkin's glaring ignorance and unhinged loathing. Malkin is the field general for a squad of bitter pro-war dead-enders who lash out online against anyone who dares speak the truth about the war. She has been wrong about Iraq in every conceivable way, with a losing streak dating back more than 50 straight months. The consequences for having habitually botched the most important policy issue of the last decade? She's taken to lunch by a Washington Post reporter (the same reporter Malkin once derided as incompetent), who then splashes a friendly profile in the paper while carefully refusing to inform readers about Malkin's glaring ignorance and unhinged loathing. "

Being a classless male, I'd fuck her, then yell at her, then fire her.

Here's a brief list of Malkin's recent lowlights:
During the 2004 campaign, Malkin appeared on MSNBC's Hardball and insisted that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were alleging that John Kerry shot himself on purpose while serving in Vietnam. Her slanderous appearance caused a media stir, since the Swifties had never made that accusation against Kerry. The following day, while blogging and appearing on C-SPAN, Malkin lied repeatedly about her Hardball showdown.

In early 2005, during the Terri Schiavo right-to-die controversy, Malkin embraced a dubious conspiracy theory and ridiculed The Washington Post for weeks. Malkin, who posted about the topic incessantly, was certain Post reporters had fabricated a key report about the infamous Schiavo "talking points memo" written and distributed by the GOP. In her April 1 post belittling the "Schiavo talking points memo mess," Malkin continued her attack on The Washington Post and demanded the daily start publishing a laundry list of retractions for its fraudulent coverage of the Schiavo memo. (Incredibly, Kurtz gave the bloggers a platform inside the paper to air their baseless allegations against the Post.) Malkin's claims were proven to be untrue when an aide to a Republican senator confessed to writing the Schiavo memo.

In April 2005, Malkin was leading the charge (i.e. "raising troubling questions") in accusing a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer with the Associated Press of working in concert with Iraqi insurgents to stage the public assassination of a Baghdad election worker. (The photog was tipped off by terrorists, Malkin claimed.) The allegations were proven to completely fictitious.
In October 2005, after a depressed University of Oklahoma engineering student blew himself up 100 yards away from a packed football stadium, Malkin hyped the story by linking to fellow bloggers who suggested the student, Joel Henry Hinrichs III, had an Al Qaeda connection. Malkin also complained the mainstream media were covering up the real facts in an effort to "whitewash radical Islam out of the news." Scores of law enforcement agencies quickly confirmed the terrorism conspiracy theory was pure fiction.

Last summer, Malkin led yet another angry charge against The New York Times after its Travel section, in a puff piece about an exclusive Maryland vacation town, published photos of weekend homes owned by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney. Based on nothing more than a conspiratorial hunch, Malkin and company shrieked that by running the photos the unpatriotic Times had (deliberately) emboldened Al Qaeda and endangered the lives of Rumsfeld and Cheney by showing terrorists where the men lived. In truth, the Times received Pentagon approval to run the innocuous photos. Said Rummy's own flack: "I'm a little confused about why this has caused such an uproar." Join the club.

In January, Malkin experienced a particularly humiliating setback. For months, Malkin had been pushing a far-fetched media "scandal" by accusing the Associated Press of manufacturing a "phony" and "bogus" Iraqi police source who was reporting false stories about the daily carnage inside Baghdad. She claimed the phony AP source proved that all of the AP's Iraq reporting was suspect. (Malkin and company cling to the notion that the situation in Iraq is not as bad as biased journalists make it out to be.) In January, the Iraqi government confirmed the police source's existence, thereby ruining Malkin's press-hating conspiracy theory. (The Post remained silent when Malkin's Jamil Hussein allegation imploded.)

Let's face it -- if a liberal blogger ever stitched together a record of sloppy, Keystone Kops-style obfuscation the way Malkin has, Post editors wouldn't even know how to spell the blogger's name, let alone be interested in profiling them. And who would blame them? Any overexcited dolt can randomly make stuff up on the Internet, or link to others who do. Apparently, the fact that Malkin does that like clockwork and that it, in turn, gets people upset is newsworthy in the eyes of Washington Post editors.

Two years ago this month, Kurtz noted, "Many bloggers are careful and thought-provoking, others partisan or mean-spirited." The question is: Why has the Post has made a conscious decision to champion mean-spirited bloggers like Malkin at the expense of the thought-provoking ones?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lieberman Will Kill For His Beliefs

Get Your Kids Out Of His Sight: "Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut told the Politico on Thursday that he has no immediate plans to switch parties but suggested that Democratic opposition to funding the war in Iraq might change his mind.
Lieberman, a self-styled independent who caucuses with the Democrats, has been among the strongest supporters of the war and President Bush’s plan to send an additional 21,500 combat troops into Iraq to help quell the violence there.
'I have no desire to change parties,' Lieberman said in a telephone interview. 'If that ever happens, it is because I feel the majority of Democrats have gone in a direction that I don't feel comfortable with.'"

I knew this guy was a menace a decade ago. Now he is deadly. Save our remaining troops by stopping this guy from getting them killed for NO FUCKING REASON THAT MATTERS TO AMERICA !

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brit Hume Sleeps With Hannity - There's No Other Explanation

Hume and Hannity Mug Murtha While the White House Pretends to Take the High Road: "Here is Murtha on the troops: 'They must have the equipment and the training and they must be certified by the Chiefs of the various services before they can go back...'

And here is how Hannity described Murtha's position in a question to one of his panelists: 'Do you support the idea of taking away the equipment of troops in harm's way the way John Murtha just described?'

So, in Hannity's hands, making sure our troops are properly equipped becomes taking equipment out of the hands of soldiers in harm's way. Utterly shameless."

Hannity would be a fun hit, don't you think? If I was a thug and needed a coupla C-notes, I'd love to watch this guy be terrified at the deserved and expected misfortune. But that's sick, so skip it.

Google Is A Cluster Fuck

I don't believe anything Google says anymore. They run Blogger. In the history of bad internet services this thing is the Glans Menace itself and is pissing me off to no end.

Don't say it's free. I'll spit at you.

Now, in some moronic effort to deal with the wreck, they have added the NEW Blogger, which is supposed to fix things.

It does not. It is in fact worse.

They know it.

The dream is over. The 2 guys that started Google appear to be making crap; just like assholes.

He's Changed Back To Pussy

Yessiree, I beat that devil dick and I'm back in the Missionary saddle: "'Concerning Ted and his family, we have done extensive fact-finding into his lifelong battle with a 'dark side' which he said in his confession letter has been a struggle for years,' Pastor Larry Stockstill, part of the church's board of overseers, told the 14,000-member congregation Sunday.

'We have verified the reality of that struggle through numerous individuals who reported to us firsthand knowledge of everything from sordid conversation to overt suggestions to improper activities to improper relationships.' "

There surely must be a way for this fellow to have a chance at a good life and still remain faithful to his nature.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

D-list Bloviator Cuts One

This Comic GOP Headmaster Snaps His Suspenders In Feeble Protest: "This morning on Fox News, Brit Hume launched a scathing diatribe against Rep. John Murtha's (D-PA) character. 'It's time a few things be said about him,' Hume said. 'This guy is long past the day when he had anything but the foggiest awareness of what the heck is going on in the world.' Hume called Murtha an 'absolute fountain' of 'naivete.'"

Yeah, screw the old patriot. Let's bathe in the glory of the victorious American Expedition in Babylon.

Senate Rejects Renewed Effort to Debate Iraq

Hold their heads down while the water talks to their ears: "“We will be relentless,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the third-ranking Democrat. “There will be resolution after resolution, amendment after amendment, all forcing this body to do what it has not done in the previous three years: debate and discuss Iraq.”"

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dinesh D'Souza Is A Fiend

D'Souza Lies Through His Teeth: "D'Souza does not argue that the cultural left 'bears a measure of responsibility' for provoking the anger of the 9-11 hijackers or that it 'partly fueled' 9-11. Rather, he asserts that the 'cultural left' is the 'primary cause' of the 'visceral rage' that produced the terrorists who attacked America, and that 'without the cultural left, 9/11 would not have happened':" ...

..."Asked by Colbert on the January 16 edition of The Colbert Report whether he "agrees with some of the things these radical extremists are against in America," D'Souza replied: "I agree with it." ...

..."Asserting on Page 21 that 9-11 was "a message" from Osama bin Laden and other "Islamic radicals" that the United States is a "repulsive sewer" and an "immoral, perverted society," D'Souza concludes: "Thus we have the first way in which the cultural left is responsible for 9/11. The left has produced a moral shift in American society that has resulted in a deluge of gross depravity and immorality."

You all know this guy. Yup, it's him again; he's in every College in America and he brings the same cretinism to every argument he makes. He thinks that with his twisted thinking he cannot be seen, but of course he is indeed seen very clearly.

GOP Wants To Kill Us

Now We Can Shoot Them In Self-Defense - cool !: Congressman Don Young, Republican from Alaska, is a follower of the journalistic wisdom of the Moonie Messiah that owns the Washington Times. And the unctuous dirtbags that write for that rightie rag - like Tony Blankley, fill these little GOP weasels with all manner of flacker's grit and stuff their empty heads with factual bullshit and slimy projections from gods and heroes that don't exist. In today's expression of their spectacular onerosity, this malfeasing tundra sucker tells the world that Abe Lincoln - one of the greatest leaders in the history of anything, said this:

"Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs, and should be arrested, exiled or hanged. "

Of course Lincoln never said it, but GOP gunners don't give a fuck about truth.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Actual Americans Actually Dead For Nothing

Sicko GOP PR Strategy Blames Dems For "Status Quo" On Iraq: Pennsylvania Representative Patrick Murphy's voice "cracked as he named friends who had served with him in the 82nd Airborne, and 'never made it home.'

'The time for more troops was four years ago,' he said quietly.

At the Vietnam Memorial, just down the hill from the Capitol and a short walk through the snow that fell on Washington today, he said, 'half the soldiers listed on that wall died after our leaders knew it could not be won.'"

That is the mind-bending fact that attacks every argument a rightie can conjure.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Vets Against the Surge

Shouldn't we support the troups?: "Do you worry that both sides throwing these kinds of accusations around makes it difficult for people to have honest disagreements about the war?

I don’t know. At this point, people have been playing nice guy about this war for four years, and look where it’s gotten us. The fact of the matter is the people on the other side of the argument are dead wrong. What does Mitch McConnell know about war? What does Dick Cheney know about war? People don’t want me to call him a draft dodger, but he had five deferments. What do you want me to call him?"

How about, "the honored dead" ?

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Fundamentalist Attraction

Just a good thought for the day:

"I liked things better when I didn't understand them." - Jenne Lou, blogger

GOP Slobs Demonstrate It

Watch Them Squirm When She Has To Fly Commercial: "“Next week,” Representative Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “we are going to steal their mascot and short-sheet their beds.”"

Flake's got it right. The frat-boy weenies in the Pentagon and the rightie mouth-breathers in Congress are an embarrassing sight as they bet on a known lie.

They're Here !!

Dead Alive - Our Biggest Enemy Has Arrived

The brain scan that can read people's intentions:

How does it work?
The computer learns unique patterns of brain activity or signatures that correspond to different thoughts. It then scans the brain to look for these signatures and predicts what the person is thinking.

How could it be used?
It is expected to drive advances in brain-controlled computers, leading to artificial limbs and machinery that respond to thoughts. More advanced versions could be used to help interrogate criminals and assess prisoners before they are released. Controversially, they may be able to spot people who plan to commit crimes before they break the law.

The Cultural Jester

As mysterious in death as she was in life: "'It was the combination of Bacchus meets Venus, totally eroticized,' says Robert Thompson, a professor of popular culture at Syracuse University. 'She was just such a great kind of cultural jester.' "

Said one woman, "I can't remember high school calculus, but I can remember Anna Nicole's first husband. That's really sad."

You Can Do It, But You'll Regret It

Amanda Marcotte Changes Her Wikipedia Entry: "Marcotte's comments were viciously anti-Catholic. The fact that many on the left failed to realize that explains very clearly why the GOP (a party that violates Catholic social theory over 90 percent of the time) seems to attract legions of Catholics.' "

She has bad judgement.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Wisdom of Patrick Hynes

Here's the GOP Author-Creep Showing Off His Judgement: "I believe Ted Haggard, pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado and President of the National Association of Evangelicals, is the most influential evangelical in America, though he might recoil from the phrase “Religious Right”. I also believe Dr. Jim Dobson from Focus on the Family, though not a pastor, enjoys an extraordinary amount of credibility among evangelicals. Finally, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus is, I believe, one of the few genuine public intellections in America with significant influence on our national affairs." - Posted online June 26, 2006

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Threat of Orbiting Debris

Sobering and Depressing: "For decades, space experts have worried that a speeding bit of orbital debris might one day smash a large spacecraft into hundreds of pieces and start a chain reaction, a slow cascade of collisions that would expand for centuries, spreading chaos through the heavens. "

Monday, February 05, 2007

Huge New Truth Lobe Found In 3rd Tier Scientist

Canadian College Grad Insists On Facts He Likes: "I insist on saying that there is no evidence that we are, or could ever cause global climate change."

Cool. And I like to insist that he not reproduce.

This Is Why I Like Arnold

California Without The Influence Of Mexican Culture Is Unthinkable: "So what would the governor do about illegal immigrants? ``I would find a way, a legal way so they can earn their visas, so they can work here and they can stay here, because it's not really realistic to send them back.''"

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lady Right

Margaret Thatcher’s famous 1987 declaration: "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families.”

Friday, February 02, 2007

Don't Shit Where You Eat

Jane Goodall wakes up the Paris climate talks:

"'We must stop stealing from our children and we must stop now,' she said. "

We may be too late and we might not know it for decades - or hundreds of years.

Here's a dime, kid. Go poke your mom in the eye

Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study: "Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."...

..."Ben Stewart of Greenpeace said: 'The AEI is more than just a thinktank, it functions as the Bush administration's intellectual Cosa Nostra. They are White House surrogates in the last throes of their campaign of climate change denial. They lost on the science; they lost on the moral case for action. All they've got left is a suitcase full of cash.' "...

..."On Monday, another Exxon-funded organisation based in Canada will launch a review in London which casts doubt on the IPCC report. Among its authors are Tad Murty, a former scientist who believes human activity makes no contribution to global warming. Confirmed VIPs attending include Nigel Lawson and David Bellamy, who believes there is no link between burning fossil fuels and global warming."