Saturday, June 30, 2012

Eric Holder Contempt Vote May Signify Dead End On Fast And Furious

Almost everyone knows that Issa is going nowhere with his very annoying and extremely underwhelming "Fast and Furious" bore-fest. At best, Issa is fodder for a great future episode of "South Park" and batches of SNL skits, and most likely that's what's ahead - followed by his skulking back to his pile of money.
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Karen Klein, Bullied Bus Monitor Saga Continues: Four Boys Suspended From Greece Central School District

Speaking of idiocy, the non-education of these children will become everyone's problem real soon.
About Bullying
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Employees Working From Home Watch TV, Play Video Games, Survey Finds an employer I learned to care - real quick, and I'm cashing in, pal. It's a competitive edge and extra profit - pure and simple.
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Mitt Romney On Supreme Court Health Care Ruling: We Must 'Replace President Obama'

Romney's alternative health is to "hope for remission" - it goes along with his "self deportation" plan for brown people who suddenly find they're from Easter Island!
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Mitt Romney On Supreme Court Health Care Ruling: We Must 'Replace President Obama'

Tea-Party headline says it best: "Romneycare Perp Condemns Copycare - Millions Puke"
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Supreme Court Health Care Decision: Individual Mandate Survives

Roberts needed to kiss this baby, or forever be known as Citizen Bunched.
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Why The Whole Health Care Law Is In Jeopardy

...ooops! You missed it - Roberts needed a mid-course correction, really bad!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chuck Norris Supports Boy Scouts's Anti-Gay Policies, Suggests 'Pro-Gay' Obama Is Pushing Agenda

Conservative's fascination with Hollywood types outstrips the democrats over and over again - Arnold, Sonny Bono, Reagan, Fred Thompson, and now this know-nothing mimic with a checkbook.
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Don Lemon: 'I Did Kind Of Feel A Bit Sorry' For Jerry Sandusky (VIDEO)

That's a very solemn and sobering reality that you describe. But I understand what you are saying; that no matter anything else, that person - codemned though he may be, exists as a human soul, and that is something we all must respect.
About Video
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Joe Biden On Jerry Brown: 'He's The Smartest Guy In American Politics' (POLL)

...oops, I was unclear - I meant to ridicule the use of "moonbeam", over and over through the years, to hopefully belittle the man's serious mental cred.

But I'm shallow enough that I give him the most points for running the "Night Trains" between LA and San Francisco in the early 80s - with 'roomettes', where I caroused, drank, and slept like a rock once a month until they yanked it.
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Rand Paul Fetal Personhood Amendment Stalls Flood Insurance Bill (UPDATE)

Another bonehead move from the current king of the GOP gallery of weirdies

How about instead we add an amendment calling for a round-up and pre-trial flight-risk no-bail incarceration of the Wall Street greedsters that everyone knows took our nation to the cleaners and sent us the bill. Then we'll get to Paul's cub-scout tantrums
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Orly Taitz Compares Self To Nelson Mandela and Thurgood Marshall, Accuses Obama's Mother Of Fraud

As the moral equivalent of a foxtail, Taitz' ideas get stuck in a hole and can't back out, so deeper she goes - and now she's ready to pull the U. S. President over on an Arizona highway and deport him to Pearl Harbor... but even that won't be enough - someday I expect her to strap a nuke to her waist and march across the Red Sea trying to find Kenya.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Romney Campaign Boxes Itself In On Outsourcing, Offshoring Debate

Greed at the top is as natural as sunlight. That's why we need gods as big as thunderheads to combat the immoral abuse of freedom that leads human beings to make small the lives of others in order to enjoy life without compare.
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Elizabeth Banks, 'People Like Us' Star, On Effie Trinket, First Ladies And 'Catching Fire'

Ah, and here's the unstable stalker that haunts the comment ages of web-places that scare him.
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Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Criticisms Disputed By Data Saying Crime, Border Crossings Have Dropped

I can't quite tell - either you have a pool, or you just vacuum them. You'd best learn what to say - in the future your answer will be the key to getting loans, bail, and out of town safely... But right now I'm gonna guess that you ain't no oligarch.
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Orbitz Guides Mac Users To Pricier Hotels: WSJ Report

Mac lovers are at least worshipping the idea of quality. You think that they're on the wrong track, whereas I think that you're way too bunched. Look around and notice that tons of us use IOS, Wintel, and Everydroid du jour... and we're ok with it. The worms will be eating all of it in a few years and we'll be worshipping something new like Krummy or Serfit or STFU 420 Pro...
About Video
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Orbitz Guides Mac Users To Pricier Hotels: WSJ Report

...coders hacking away in tents - we're the plague of every rest area on the interstate! But it beats going out and not finding a job!
About Video
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The Boy Kings: When Facebook Went Too Far

Fascinating. Why don't you tell us about the time the door knob broke - and then stop typing. That'd be cool...
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House Republicans Fail To Hold Promised Hearing On Drug Testing The Jobless

...uh, the only drug problem I ever run into is the usual October bud drought... that's what Halloween is for - disguise ourselves on the way to pick-up the winter stash. I thought everyone knew this!
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House Republicans Fail To Hold Promised Hearing On Drug Testing The Jobless

Dude! If you tell me what we were just talking about, I can fix this whole thing - I'll take my answer on the air.
About Unemployment
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Friday, June 22, 2012

Philadelphia Priest Trial: Jury Reaches Split Verdict In Case Of Monsignor William Lynn

You see, there you go trying to use some of the wisdom we learned during the 'new age' era we've now abondoned. Just forget it - the modern numpty likes a sound bite for lunch, and bad idea for dinner. Might as well save your breath.
About Philadelphia Priest Trial
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Philadelphia Priest Trial: Jury Reaches Split Verdict In Case Of Monsignor William Lynn

Yes. That's exactly what it is. When a gang robs a bank and kills the teller, the one who waited in the car is also guilty of murder.
About Philadelphia Priest Trial
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Michele Leonhart, DEA Chief, Won't Say Whether Crack, Heroin Are Worse For Health Than Marijuana

I have absolutely no respect for an appointed employee of my government who would obfuscate, and outright lie to us with bogus information that any sentient American adult knows is obviously untrue - and has been so for decades. Hundreds of thousands of lives have wasted away in jails all over America because time has been wasted selling facts not in evidence. Shameful, awful behavior by Leonhart and her bosses - including the President. I never want to hear her voice again.
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Surface vs. iPad: 7 Things Microsoft's Tablets Have That Apple's Don't

...that's where I'm at too. They're trying for a Unified Field Theory - like Einstein, except that they aren't geniuses - the geniuses all went to work for minimum wage at Apple stores.
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Supreme Court Health Care Ruling: Individual Mandate Decision May Be Announced Thursday

Is that your knee jerking I hear, or just your clock-radio in the background?
About Health Care Law
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Supreme Court Health Care Ruling: Individual Mandate Decision May Be Announced Thursday

...yes, I saw it run by, go into a cardboard box, get stuck and die.
About Health Care Law
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Surface vs. iPad: 7 Things Microsoft's Tablets Have That Apple's Don't

...rats, I'm intrigued - which is very depressing. I expect death stars to act like death stars - out there doing the wrong thing and keeping the future from flowering. Now this!!
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Drops Michelle Rhee Group Under Pressure From Progressives

Ok. Teacher-bashing is so rampant that even an intelligent assessment - which yours mimics - is for the time being inattainable, as facts and truth are unrecognizable. Can I go now?
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Carrie Underwood's Gay Marriage Support Prompts Backlash From Fans

...heaven forbid she should go all Hollywood like b-list actor Ronald Reagan, or grating-voiced Sonny Bono, or government-insured loan hawker Fred Thompson... all staunch tinsel-town GOP show people.
About Gay Marriage
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'Joe The Plumber' Claims Gun Control Caused The Holocaust

Barely conscious right-wing bile bots are becoming a plague. We're all gonna have to go into the attic and find grandpa's old army boots - the ones that were broken-in by stomping out the old nazis. They'll do just fine today, and I'm getting oh so eager to begin the rout. Let's roll !
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Prometheus Bound and Gagged

Well I don't know about all that dislike of "Prometheus", but I do agree that the original theater release of "Blade Runner" - including the oft-maligned narration - is one of the greatest movies ever made (I'm just trying to be nice - it really is the greatest).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost Drops Michelle Rhee Group Under Pressure From Progressives

Where I went to school we avoided the random use of ALLCAPS because they looked so psychotic.
About Michelle Rhee
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Neil Munro, Tucker Carlson Defend Interrupting Obama (VIDEO)

Trust funds, with the gift of tongues, speak Tuckers - and America will soon be awash with them...
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Lisa Brown Performs 'Vagina Monologues' On Michigan Statehouse Steps

That's a very interesting thought... running with the certainty of the herd, trusting out to the edge... and over.
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Randy Baumgardner, Colo. GOP State Representative, Housing A Sex Offender Who Is Wanted For Failing To Register

If that's his wife's comment, then good will just flew out the window, and a stranger flew in. This may be more than it appears...
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Roseanne Barr Calls Nancy Pelosi A Criminal

Pelosi a criminal? What a crock... I change my mind. Roseanne's recent show I liked, but her current mouth I don't wanna hear again.
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Lisa Brown Performs 'Vagina Monologues' On Michigan Statehouse Steps

When I hear republican women speaking against women's rights and women's issues, I am hearing the voice of the destroyer of things - and all people are in great danger.
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Microsoft Tablet Talk: Monday Announcement Speculation Grows

He's either smoking a marguerita or drinking a blunt while Windows SS does a perp check and boots up.
About Microsoft
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Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama

Tucker's trust fund comes from ramming greasy trans-fats down the throats of middle-class Americans who assumed they were getting a healthy meal. Of course, I loved 'em - I ate so many Swanson fried-chicken TV dinners that I'm sure I'm technically dead.
About Diane Sawyer
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Juan Williams To Michelle Malkin: 'I'm A Real Reporter... Not A Blogger' (VIDEO)

A malkin is what you use to wipe your coulter - you're not supposed to try to understand it... Gad!
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Gretchen Carlson Walks Off 'Fox And Friends' After Brian Kilmeade's Sexist Comment (VIDEO)

Tackiness surrounds that guy like wet gingham. He's got the charm of a fraternity close-hamper after a kegger. I'm no fan of Gretchen Carlson, but I applaud her for not following the foxes on this one...
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Roberto Unger, Obama's Former Harvard Law School Professor, Says The President 'Must Be Defeated'

Great idea Unger... but what are middle-class Americans supposed to do for the next 4 to 8 years... go camping and sell body parts for cash?

Maybe you should just hold your breath until you turn blue... that'll show 'em!
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Gary Kreep Takes Bigger Lead: Good News For Birther Candidate

I can see the headline: "Kreep Won - Opponent Peed - Voters Sick"
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Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama

I can hear your clock-radio in the background...
About Diane Sawyer
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Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama

Everything Tucker Carlson says is wrong - if he says 'hello', don't believe it.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Roberto Unger, Obama's Former Harvard Law School Professor, Says The President 'Must Be Defeated'

I agree... Pouting is not a good plan.
About Barack Obama
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Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama

Munro lies. He had every intention of following in the heels of the new heels that form the soul of the rabid right - disrespect is only the tip of these icebergs.

One of these crazies is gonna light the national fuse real soon, and America will go on a big, awful, wild ride.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Creationists In South Korea Force Removal Of Evolution From High-School Textbooks


If you really need 2 plus 2 to equal 5, then I'll respect your need and I'll keep my mouth shut. But 2 plus 2 will still equal 4.
About Evolution
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