Sunday, February 28, 2010
Feeding the Beast
Larry Gellman: Feeding the Beast--Our Addiction to Anger and Fear: "It would appear that millions of Americans have become truly addicted to anger and outrage. Fox News and talk radio figured it out first, and years ago became the crack pipe of the angry Right. They realized early on that there's no money in real journalism any more but they could get rich feeding our insatiable need for heroes and villains."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Starship Is Here - XM Is Ready

Consider what I'm proposing: commercial vehicles fly from the surface of the Earth to the station. Their destination - the XM, is built from existing hardware and managed by say the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The spaceship's propulsion and life support system could be managed by Huntsville's Marshall Spaceflight Center. And everything is assembled, tested and launched from Florida's Kennedy Space Center. Commercial providers do what they do best - flying people and cargo from Earth. NASA does what it does best - build deep space vehicles - and there is sufficient work to keep all of the existing Project Constellation centers humming along.
As someone once said, 'Mission Accomplished!'"
Not quite yet, Buzz...
"We're gonna hi-jack the Starship..." - Paul Kantner, "Blows Against The Empire"
Empty Headed Journalism

School Shows Off Webcam Spying Capabilities: "Ackerman demonstrates the webcam spying ability: 'They don't even realize we are watching,' 'I always like to mess with them and take a picture,' and '9 times out of 10, THEY DUCK OUT OF THE WAY.'
Too many Americans under 50 seem to be automatons, accepting authority without question; assuming the subservience of private life to the needs of 'order'. Eeek!
Too many Americans under 50 seem to be automatons, accepting authority without question; assuming the subservience of private life to the needs of 'order'. Eeek!
Polis Calls On Holder To Rein In 'Rogue' DEA Agents

It's all just a bunch of lies from the DEA until they actually do what they are supposed to do - leave people alone who are following state law. Is Holder in charge of anything? Does he even have a key to the men's room? Who is going to nail these malfeasing weenie cops who can't sit down correctly because they are so, so bunched?
Citizens will have to stop rogue cops the only way it can be done - fire them, put them on the list, and never ever rehire them. Ever.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, February 26, 2010
Jim Bunning Repeatedly Blocks Unemployment Benefits Extension, Tells Dem 'Tough Shit'

Bunning dispenses ugliness like Palin dispenses lies - with no regret, and loving every minute of it. It's a GOP thing - and the American people suffer because of it. But now he's pressing on the pain with both hands, keeping millions of Americans in doubt and frightened, adding salt to our national wound. This man is a disgrace by any measure, and that he calls himself a Republican should shame all Republicans.
To my countrymen who continue to place these jerks in office - you are to blame for all of this.
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Fabulis: Citibank Shuts Down 'Objectionable' Gay Website's Bank Account

I can't do better than commenter Kellyajones:
"WTF... ? Why would any sane person allow any bank anywhere decide what is 'objectionable'. This article makes me sick to my stomach!"
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Gingrich Mulls 2012 Presidential Run, Talks About New PAC

First of all, he needs a calendar - it's 2010 and he's 1994. Then he needs an Ethinometer reading, which will alert the public, and then he needs a Stupidectomy, which just might elevate his IQ above his shoe size - doubt it, but maybe.
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In Deep Cotton in Pennsylvania
FBI, US Attorney Investigating Penn. School District’s Computer Spying on Young Students: "we know someone accessed my webcam and provided Ms. Matsko with a screen shot and a webcam picture of me at my home in my bedroom."
"LINDY MATSKO: First, as it has been previously reported, at no point in time did I have the ability to access any webcam through security tracking software. At no time have I ever monitored a student via a laptop webcam, nor have I ever authorized the monitoring of a student via security tracking webcam, either at school or within the home. And I never would. I find the allegations and implications that I have or ever would engage in such conduct to be offensive, abhorrent and outrageous.
AMY GOODMAN: Hours after Harriton High School Vice Principal Lindy Matsko spoke, the fifteen-year-old student Blake Robbins read a statement.
BLAKE ROBBINS: Nothing in Ms. Matsko’s statement is inconsistent with what we stated in our complaint. Ms. Matsko does not deny that she saw the webcam picture and screen shot of me in my home. She only denies that she is the one who activated the webcam. The issue is that we know someone accessed my webcam and provided Ms. Matsko with a screen shot and a webcam picture of me at my home in my bedroom."...
"...When a computer wasn’t checking in, when it was reported stolen or missing or they didn’t know where it was, they could schedule commands for the computer to pick up the next time it checked in. So when it checked in, if it came—if it checked into the school’s central server and there were commands waiting for it to start taking pictures, it would start taking pictures.
And what’s really interesting about that story that he just related is mistakes happen. They didn’t know where these computers were. And it’s important for people to understand, when these computers were activated, if they were reported missing, it would start taking pictures wherever they woke up. Even if they were stolen and they were in the bedroom of a kid who stole it, they were going to start taking pictures the moment they woke up."
"LINDY MATSKO: First, as it has been previously reported, at no point in time did I have the ability to access any webcam through security tracking software. At no time have I ever monitored a student via a laptop webcam, nor have I ever authorized the monitoring of a student via security tracking webcam, either at school or within the home. And I never would. I find the allegations and implications that I have or ever would engage in such conduct to be offensive, abhorrent and outrageous.
AMY GOODMAN: Hours after Harriton High School Vice Principal Lindy Matsko spoke, the fifteen-year-old student Blake Robbins read a statement.
BLAKE ROBBINS: Nothing in Ms. Matsko’s statement is inconsistent with what we stated in our complaint. Ms. Matsko does not deny that she saw the webcam picture and screen shot of me in my home. She only denies that she is the one who activated the webcam. The issue is that we know someone accessed my webcam and provided Ms. Matsko with a screen shot and a webcam picture of me at my home in my bedroom."...
"...When a computer wasn’t checking in, when it was reported stolen or missing or they didn’t know where it was, they could schedule commands for the computer to pick up the next time it checked in. So when it checked in, if it came—if it checked into the school’s central server and there were commands waiting for it to start taking pictures, it would start taking pictures.
And what’s really interesting about that story that he just related is mistakes happen. They didn’t know where these computers were. And it’s important for people to understand, when these computers were activated, if they were reported missing, it would start taking pictures wherever they woke up. Even if they were stolen and they were in the bedroom of a kid who stole it, they were going to start taking pictures the moment they woke up."
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Vice Principal
FBI, US Attorney Investigating Penn. School District’s Computer Spying on Young Students: "“She called him into the office and told him, basically, ’I’ve been watching what was on the Web cam and saw what was in your hands. I’ve been reading what you’ve been typing, and I’m afraid you are involved in drugs and trying to sell pills.’”
According to the family, what the school mistook as drugs, were Mike and Ikes candies. The school system has admitted it had the ability to secretly switch on laptop computer cameras, but officials say the cameras were only remotely activated to find missing or stolen laptops."
According to the family, what the school mistook as drugs, were Mike and Ikes candies. The school system has admitted it had the ability to secretly switch on laptop computer cameras, but officials say the cameras were only remotely activated to find missing or stolen laptops."
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Direct Contact

Yup. It's a world-wide stampede to control what we can see, read, do. The Catholic church did the same thing back in the beginning - make it so you need to go through the church to get to God. No direct contact allowed.
The internet is direct contact with information, and that's why the fight for the internet is so important, and most of us don't know what to do first. Somehow, and soon, we will have to group together and fight, or lose direct contact - and freedom.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Bleak Horizon For Jobs
Top Fed Official Warns Jobs Will Be Scarce As 'Paradigm Shift' Slows Hiring: "There is an alternative explanation regarding the events of last year, though, that bodes poorly for rapid employment gains going forward," she said in her prepared remarks. "According to this view, last year's large increase in productivity is here to stay. In that case, we won't see a quick drop in unemployment and may be in for a jobless recovery akin to those in the early 1990s and early 2000s. This is closer to my view and broadly consistent with my forecast," she said. She continued:
According to this perspective, the recession has forced businesses to reexamine just about everything they do with an eye toward restraining costs and boosting efficiency. Strapped by tight credit and plummeting sales, businesses have overhauled the way they manage supply chains, inventory, production practices, and staffing. Stores don't order merchandise unless they think they can sell it right away. Manufacturers and builders don't produce unless they have buyers lined up.
My business contacts describe this as a paradigm shift and they believe it's permanent. This process of implementing new efficiency gains may have only begun and we may be in store for further efficiency improvements and high productivity growth for some time. If so, the rate of job creation will be frustratingly slow.
According to this perspective, the recession has forced businesses to reexamine just about everything they do with an eye toward restraining costs and boosting efficiency. Strapped by tight credit and plummeting sales, businesses have overhauled the way they manage supply chains, inventory, production practices, and staffing. Stores don't order merchandise unless they think they can sell it right away. Manufacturers and builders don't produce unless they have buyers lined up.
My business contacts describe this as a paradigm shift and they believe it's permanent. This process of implementing new efficiency gains may have only begun and we may be in store for further efficiency improvements and high productivity growth for some time. If so, the rate of job creation will be frustratingly slow.
Evgeni Plushenko's PLATINUM Medal: Skater's Web Site's Bizarre Claim (PHOTOS)

What a pathetic move by Plushenko, and what a bonehead statement by Putin. They're Team Pooch, and they just screwed it in public.
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Colin Powell Rejects Dick Cheney's Claims, Says U.S. Is Not Less Safe Under Obama (VIDEO)

Yeah. I'm with you on that. I am so comfortable with statements coming from a man in whom wisdom seems so natural, and for whom issues must be understood as allied with their most essential ethical dimensions.
About Dick Cheney
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Toyota Recall: Internal Document Declares 'Win' After Negotiating Limited Recall, Saving $100 Million In 2007

You commented: "GM is the best company ever. Every GM is better than any Toyota."
One minute later you commented: "I'd take a defective Toyota over a GM or Chrysler any day."
I'm confused. Are you coming back to the voices, or going toward the light?
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Toyota Recall: Internal Document Declares 'Win' After Negotiating Limited Recall, Saving $100 Million In 2007

You know, there's actually a horrific example of this kind of thinking. Years ago, internal documents turned up showing that Ford compared the cost of repairs for a severe problem versus the cost of settlements for fatalities in expected lawsuits, and made the choice to pay settlements rather than fix the problem.
Knowing that one choice would result in death, they chose death. The party that wants less regulation is making that choice.
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Rachel Maddow Delivering Smith College Commencement Speech, Students Go Wild For News (VIDEO)

That is great news. But this isn't: "Maddow, who lives in Massachusetts when not filming her show in New York..." Nobody has "filmed" these shows in eons.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Glenn Beck CPAC 2010 Speech VIDEO: Republicans Don't Need A Big Tent

Good post...
You're right, these aren't journalists, they're more like carnival barkers.
Paraphrasing someone, "Cable Talkshow Stars will get off their pedestals as soon as viewers get off their knees."
About Video
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ann Coulter Revises Her John-Edwards-Is-Gay Routine

Coulter is the republican's only surviving female prick, and she's totally up to the job, never failing to demonstrate why she's the gold standard of scratchy vitriol.
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James O'Keefe At CPAC: Conservative Agitator Gets Rock Star Welcome

The Republicans are crazy for their crooks, like Nixon and his "plumbers" and the break-and-enter Watergate gang, and this O'keefe goon. There is no need to show any respect to a Republican any longer; they have thrown in with the brown shirt fascists, and are willing to commit and celebrate political crimes. Plus, at no extra charge, they are dumb as cheese - look at their Iraq mess, the greed monsters of the Wall Street casino, the regulation-free banking collapse..
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Frank DiPascali, Madoff Aide, May Get 'Extraordinary' Leniency

I think you're on it. It'll get too hot - multiple accelerants added by those who need darkness and anonymity to hide their life from questions and inquisitors. Then the story will try to fade, but there are still a lot of monied, pissed-off victims who can never accept the humiliation of the whole thing - the enormous gall of it all. They'll stripmine the DiPascali family every chance they get, forcing each member to prove the origin of every cent they have, and every asset they possess.
And you're right - nobody should ever get in a car with anyone named DiPascali.
About Bernard Madoff
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Frank DiPascali, Madoff Aide, May Get 'Extraordinary' Leniency

What? Free? Explain that to his victims. Then when you get out of the hospital, explain it to the rest of us.
About Bernard Madoff
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Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

Barr is correct; these other guys are just following the smell of red meat. The whole pack of them, however, could shut up a lot more and it would improve everything.
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Bill To Move New Mexico's Money Tripped Up In State Senate

Inside that article is this stunning little bit of GOP ugliness: "Senate Republicans spent the dwindling hours of the session filibustering a bill that would have allowed judges to put first-time drug offenders in treatment programs instead of prison."
What kind of human beings are these? Who do they represent? I don't know anyone who thinks like that - who would put your daughter in prison for a first-time drug offense. Do you?
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Harriton High School Used Laptop Webcams To SPY On Students At Home, Suit Alleges

Blind, deaf, stupid people wouldn't do this, but the officials at this school did. It was about the most unethical thing they could do. If I were a parent that had one of those laptops in my home, I would chase these school officials through the streets and straight to jail.
If they get a pass, woe to those who gave it to them. Listen up, cops, this is serious sh*t.
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Gloria Allred: Tiger Woods Apology 'A Staged Stunt'

Watching this upwardly grabby lawyer going for her meat is still one of the ugliest public images of modern times.
To paraphrase a line from an old Bogart movie, "Whenever we find a jerk, you're around. Now, why is that?"
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Friday, February 19, 2010
They saw mommie kissing Santa Claus, then screwing him.
Harriton High School Used Laptop Webcams To SPY On Students At Home: "A federal lawsuit accuses a suburban Philadelphia school district of spying on students at home through school-issued laptop webcams.
The suit says Lower Merion School District officials can activate the webcams remotely without students' knowledge. The lawsuit alleges the cameras captured images of Harriton High School students and their families as they undressed and in other compromising situations."
..."The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for 'improper behavior in his home' and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence."
Amazingly bad ethics.
The suit says Lower Merion School District officials can activate the webcams remotely without students' knowledge. The lawsuit alleges the cameras captured images of Harriton High School students and their families as they undressed and in other compromising situations."
..."The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for 'improper behavior in his home' and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence."
Amazingly bad ethics.
Police Push For Warrantless Cell Phone Searches

With our our entire personal universe smeared all over our hard drives, everything will depend on what is defined as "reasonable". Unless we get it right, people will increasingly need to think as criminals in order to protect their individual freedom and personal autonomy.
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Sandman Screws Public - Charms Ma
Businessman 'allegedly' poured inferior concrete into key projects: "'He was not a malicious guy. He didn't go into this business thinking he was going to rip people off,'' said San Francisco Supervisor Fiona Ma, who gave back $5,500 that Ramirez contributed in 2004 to her state Assembly bid after the news broke of the fraud allegations in May.
'He's a hard-working guy, just trying to survive,'' Ma said. 'He takes care of his grandkids. He doesn't have an easy life.''"
Oh brother, what a croc !
'He's a hard-working guy, just trying to survive,'' Ma said. 'He takes care of his grandkids. He doesn't have an easy life.''"
Oh brother, what a croc !
Sven Kramer To Reporter: 'Are You Stupid?' (VIDEO)

About Winter Olympics 2010
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
CPAC Speaker Mocks Obama's Use Of Cocaine (VIDEO)

This man enjoys been seen as a malign slug. Guys like him are aborning all over the landscape - like Body-Snatcher pods - being especially prevalent in the dixie-red states. We can hope this isn't a preview of the future, but it's looking rather grim. Watch your six.
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Health Insurance Costs: 'Shocking' Premium Increases Coming, Says Health And Human Services Dept.

I wager that the truly huge cost increases won't be unveiled until after the November election. The righties know full well that the delusional, hate-encumbered tea-bag voters refuse to be deterred in their quest for bigger blinders and a steeper cliff.
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Bob McDonnell Strips Non-Discrimination Protections For Gay State Workers

The more I think about this the madder I get. And I'm not interested in arguing about it anymore, either. Yes, Virginia, you can do what you want. No, Virginia, we're not buying it, and we're not buying your goods or investing in your state. So knock yourself out; enjoy the brief thrill of telling God that he made a mistake creating homosexuals. Yes, Virginia, there really is a God.
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Bob McDonnell Strips Non-Discrimination Protections For Gay State Workers

Sounds like the Army of Northern Virginia is up by one more jerk. Don't make us come down there again.
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Virginia Governor Takes Away Rights
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell Rolls Back Non-Discrimination Protections For Gay State Workers TPMDC: "It says a lot about the Republican party that they would anoint as their 'rising star' someone who in 2010 is actually stripping away from Americans legal protections against discrimination."
This guy is disgusting...
This guy is disgusting...
Tea Party Speaker: Hang Patty Murray

The whole "fire" thing is almost universally misunderstood. If you look up and the theater is on fire, you damn well better yell "fire"... in fact, you will no doubt yell "fire" involuntarily. The person who slips out of the room without warning fellow humans is the one to hate.
The real point is that it's wrong to yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire.
About Tax Day Tea Parties
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Maddow Makes Her Point

Best Photo Of You Is...
You get better message response with certain photos: "Want to show how social/well-traveled/fit you are in your picture? What you show yourself doing in your profile photo can affect the number of connections you make. The most popular photo contexts for women were: 1) 'Myspace' shot 2) In bed 3) Outdoors. For men: 1) With an animal 2) Showing off muscles 3) Doing something interesting. But what about the quality of those connections? OkCupid examined what kind of photos led to 'legitimate conversations.' The top three contexts (for both genders): 1) Doing something interesting 2) With animal 3) Travel photo."
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Central Falls High School To Fire Every Single Teacher

Oh right. Just tell the staff to work more without pay. When was the last time you agreed to work more for no compensation? This woman is not wise, not smart, not worth knowing. That she is ruining the lives of 100 teachers makes her... what? a decider? or a small person in big shoes?
Her tears are made of stump-water.
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McCain Challenger: Birther Questions Are Legit In Days Of Identity Theft (VIDEO)

To the comment moderator - I'd love to make a comment but I can't without embracing a whole host of ad hominem attacks - and that's not allowed on HufPo - yet there is no way to deal with a pussicle like J. D. without pointing out the vast wasteland of the man himself.
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Boehner's Bipartisanship: Top GOP Leader Wants Health Care Bill Online, Then Pounces On White House For Posting It

It's sickening having to watch this overt GOP skulduggery, knowing that it leads directly to the gouging of Americans with huge, really huge increases in healthcare costs right around the corner. The Tea Partiers think the bell tolls for others. Wait until these ding dongs get the bill - they'll sing a different tune...
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Gettin' All Mavericky
MAVERICKS / Biggest of the big waves: "Fourth-place finisher Dave Wassel, proud of his Hawaiian upbringing and the North Shore spots he's ridden for years, said Saturday's event 'erased 50 years of surfing history in one day. We have some decent waves in Hawaii, but you guys have such a good wave here.'"
Dick Cheney On ABC's "This Week": What He Should Be Asked

Great questions, but don't bother. Cheney is never trapped by banter; choosing to lie rather than lose a point. He is as slippery as they make 'em, and he attracts 100% of those who want someone just that slippery.
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Eye of the Needle

Karl Rabeder, Austrian Millionaire, Wants To Give Away Fortune:
"'My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing,' he told The Daily Telegraph. 'Money is counterproductive - it prevents happiness to come.'
"'My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing,' he told The Daily Telegraph. 'Money is counterproductive - it prevents happiness to come.'
He first got the idea during a luxurious trip to Hawaii with his wife.
'It was the biggest shock in my life, when I realised how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is,' he said. 'In those three weeks, we spent all the money you could possibly spend. But in all that time, we had the feeling we hadn't met a single real person - that we were all just actors. The staff played the role of being friendly and the guests played the role of being important and nobody was real.'
He had similar feelings of guilt while on gliding trips in South America and Africa. 'I increasingly got the sensation that there is a connection between our wealth and their poverty,' he said."
Nancy Elliott, Anti-Gay Lawmaker, Describes Anal Sex During Public Hearing: 'Wriggling' Around 'In Excrement'

That's a good plan, but it's always tricky opening doors where you don't know what's on the other side.
About Marriage
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
McCain Faces Toughest Re-Election Challenge

Curtain number one, or curtain number two? I'm glad I don't have to make this choice. J. D. Hayworth is a horror show - replete with his now famous bat-shit crazy GOP grin. McCain offers so very little that one realizes that he's become simply another kind of terrible, neo-nuts rattle-pate.
What's behind curtain number three ?
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Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Swastika Photo: Genevieve Morton Poses With Swastika (PHOTO, POLL)

Another bad headline. But no surprise. Pissing off readers is magnetic, drawing more of them to the HuffPo mecca - with its enormous, endless commenting audience out here in cyberspace. The only thing between readers and having a good time, is comment moderators - the bouncers of this new world of low-brow intellectual bravado.
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'Robin Hood Tax' Campaign's Hilarious New Ad With Bill Nighy (VIDEO)

No, you needn't go on. We considered your ideas in 1066, when they were current. We kinda wanna try something else.
About The Recession
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Thursday, February 11, 2010
Kit Bond Tangles With Savannah Guthrie On GOP Hypocrisy On Terrorism (VIDEO)

Listening to Kit Bond speak of world affairs hurts my head. His unsound reasoning about important things seems dangerous; not because his ideas have any real value or power, but because he takes up one of the seats in the U. S. Senate, implausible though that may seem to everyone but the voters of Missouri who put him there.
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Newt Gingrich Trips Up Again With 'Daily Show' Correction

Hope this guy can find a way to articulate his awkward ideas. Then reading about him wouldn't seem like following the saga of an out-of-work barker.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
People In Scuba Gear Chase Google Street View Car With Pitchforks (PHOTOS)

If EU folk want to decline to join the transparent world, then they're off the map - whoosh, gone.
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Obama Still Doesn't Get It

Another lousy headline. Obama did not say: I DON'T 'BEGRUDGE' BIG BANK CEOS FOR THEIR MASSIVE BONUSES.
He said he didn't "begrudge people success or wealth". That is quite a different statement.
HuffPo, you are holding commenters to a higher standard than your headline writers. Ad hominem attacks can often be true, but deliberately falsifying quotes always creates lies.
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Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Shelby Releases Hold On Obama Nominees

Like Al Capone, or Boss Tweed, this guy is actually proud of being a malfeasing jerk. Shelby is not interested in sharing - anything. He wants stuff for himself, his family, and his friends. He's not interested in the common good. He's GOP and he stands there, unashamed, dripping with everything that's wrong.
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Monday, February 08, 2010
Justice Thomas' Age of Unreason
Frances Moore Lappe: Justice Thomas' Reasoning -- Dangerous for Democracy: "Thomas Jefferson began to see how corporate power could subvert democracy. 'I hope [that] we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations,' Jefferson said, 'which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength and [to] bid defiance to the laws of our country.' It seems inconceivable that founders would approve the corporate influence in elections that you have just approved.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Truth Takes A Hit
The great global warming collapse: "None of this is to say that global warming isn't real, or that human activity doesn't play a role, or that the IPCC is entirely wrong, or that measures to curb greenhouse-gas emissions aren't valid. But the strategy pursued by activists (including scientists who have crossed the line into advocacy) has turned out to be fatally flawed.
By exaggerating the certainties, papering over the gaps, demonizing the skeptics and peddling tales of imminent catastrophe, they've discredited the entire climate-change movement. The political damage will be severe. As Mr. Mead succinctly puts it: “Skeptics up, Obama down, cap-and-trade dead.”"
By exaggerating the certainties, papering over the gaps, demonizing the skeptics and peddling tales of imminent catastrophe, they've discredited the entire climate-change movement. The political damage will be severe. As Mr. Mead succinctly puts it: “Skeptics up, Obama down, cap-and-trade dead.”"
NY AG Cuomo Hits Ken Lewis, Bank Of America With Fraud Charges

Yes, you said it right. They screwed the pooch, but it was our pooch.
About Financial Crisis
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NY AG Cuomo Hits Ken Lewis, Bank Of America With Fraud Charges

If they hid the 16billion, that's certainly enough for the feds to file charges. And if the scheme was hatched to blackmail the government - either gimme money or I'll fail on your watch - then corporate butts need to be sitting on steel bunks ASAP, don't you think ?
Who today trusts either wall street, banking institutions, or insurance companies?
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Ollie North On What Happens If Gays Are Allowed To Serve Openly In Military: 'NAMBLA Members' Are Next

Oh gad ! Additional wet dreams from yesterday's wet-eyed colonel. After a quarter century, he still has that flaming case of Pat Robertson's foot-in-mouth disease.
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Sarah Palin Tea Party Convention Speech: Activists Can Hardly Wait

"I want to be so famous that drag queens will dress like me in parades when I'm dead." Comedienne Laura Kightlinger said it, but it fits Sarah Palin to a Tea...
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Palin Says Democrats Are 'Running Out Of Time' -- But Also Warns Of Primary Challenges For Republicans (VIDEO)

Her words are pure mush, gobbled up by lunatics with underwhelming moral character and the wisdom of lost dogs. You lie, Palin, and it is your signal quality. That it will destroy you is my hope.
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Saturday, February 06, 2010
Sarah Palin Rebukes Rush Limbaugh For 'Retarded' Remarks

...not really. She's anathema, but almost every anti-Palin comment I write is denied by one of these Orwellian 'comment moderators'.
About Sarah Palin
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