...not because Obama has empty rhetoric, but because nothing he has tried has worked. Americans can plainly see that one party got us here, and the other one can't get us out.
So Perry is bad because he's a closet 'liberal'. Wow, that's a nasty, crafty, nicely placed curve-ball from Joe, who appears to be inoculating himself and skewing the scenario; all at the same time.
Joe continues to impress with his Dante's landscape of a mind; one that suggests that he has piano wire in his pocket as you speak to him. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
No, but I hate 'you' - because you're back with more nonsense. By the way, a small man using a superior name like Spartacus could peeve me greatly; but I did stupidly read it, and it's your right to be small, so hack away dude... a free shot! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
He's the best at it... according to the Bachmann handbook, all you do is take your gayness into the airport mensroom and wait until an elected official shows up to cure it. The brochure says you can cure 2 guys per hour... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
No. I hate him because he's back - baiting thin air, looking for something to decorate his menacing, sloppy thinking - much like you.
But what I don't like about West the most is that he's an unstable, dangerous loser. And his famous, vitriolic statement about Debbie Wasserman Schultz is all the proof I need. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Cheney is unfailingly dedicated to pushing the point of view that excuses his actions - he has to be, or he'll be on Alcatraz, bringing up the rear for cellmate Maddoff.
West is an intellectual wasteland and must be rejected by anyone interested in stable personalities in government. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I think Palin should consider entering the Tanya Harding Clinic to detox from her cringeworthy tabloid existence, and to learn how to disappear from grace without ever copping to it - and if anyone can pull that off, it's Sarah. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I think you hit on it. We need 'scumshine' - and zillions of watts of it - so all Americans can see the rising tide of danger in a clear, bright light!
Maybe - but only maybe, some of us who are slowly falling into a coma will wake up before it's to late... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Funny!, until I checked further... considering everything, you're quite offensive; so I called the authorities - they say you do this all the time, and that every word you write is a lie - including 'and', 'the' and 'it'. Good luck! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
HP seems to be acting like someone who has just jilted somebody - and now feels guilty, so tries dating rejected beaus from yesterday as self-punishment.
With her unsupportable pronouncements on almost every aspect of American life, Bachmann is a disturbing player on a very unstable stage of her own making.
Nothing is more disgusting than to see your neighbors - your fellow citizens - fall for Bachmann's nonsense and simply and easily empty their ethics into the trash; saying something stupid like, "enough is enough", as they set out to join her in destroying the American progressive paradigm that made the middle-class possible, and made the United States the triumph of the entire 20th century.
Not too smart - my Italian-American pal is probably gonna re-target his Predator Drone so that he can give Beck a very big 'pop quiz' on pride and heritage. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Unbelievable that adults would listen to this sort of miltia-style campfire rant. Perry demonstrates every time he opens his mouth that he has no ideas worth considering; no facts that mean anything except as spin tools, and if you listen to him enough you know that he knows next to nothing about the life of average Americans.
Perry is the child of taxes; he's been living off of the public for over 20 years, and now he wants to be the Captain Smith of the S.S. America. Maybe it's a good gig for him, but not for us - we're sinking; and he's saving the lifeboats for the rich; so the rest of us are soon sunk. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
thanx - somebody had to state the obvious... let's add, "should Ariana have stayed in Greece pouring Ouzo into millionaires until they paid off the gigantic Greek debt?" ...F&F. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
No matter how hard you huff and puff, all you've got is a misguided concept of how things work, and the gall to foist your nonsense on decent people. Just stay in your place and gripe to your own kind... we're doing freedom over here, no matter what you think or do. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
His words are absolutely disgusting and sickening. If he wants to think as he does - seriously disrespecting other Americans - then he should do it quietly, just as he insists the gay community should act on issues critically important to them.
That's a very exciting story - driving the Klan crazy by exposing their secrets on the 'Superman' radio show! Somebody's just gotta make a film about this guy and his secret and dangerous spy mission. It's pretty exciting stuff, and there's hardly anything more fun than messing up the Klan or defeating NotSee nonsense. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
They believe 'nothing is perfect' in Amarillo, too including nothing alcoholic to drink in restaurants. Perfect.
Many areas of town smell like 'feet'. I think it's because if you want a glass of wine you actually have to crush the grapes yourself. First time there, I ordered a "Dry Sock" off the dinner menu and it turned out not to be a drink - it's literally a dry sock, which I used later, after crushing up an evening's worth of Merlot.
They can sing as loud as they want, but we've heard this tune - it was #1 on the GOP charts for a decade. It had tax cuts for the wealthy to create jobs - no jobs showed up. It had an extension of those tax cuts to create jobs - no jobs created. Then it had a collapsed economy. At the end of their fiasco, America was in debt up to its eyeballs and the middle-class was being told they would have to pay off the debt alone - the wealthy opted to accept no roll in righting the ship-of-state.
That's a very exciting story - driving the Klan crazy by exposing KKK facts on the 'Superman' radio show! Somebody's just gotta make a film about this guy and his secret and dangerous spy mission. It's pretty exciting stuff! Plus, who could pass up the chance to watch the Klan sweat... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tell me, how is anyone supposed to react to Bachmann and Beck - two of the most 'morbidly unsettling' celebrities of the moment? How is it helpful - or even moral - for them to throw such wild, frightening speculation out into the public discourse? What kind of citizens are these people, who would do such a thing to America and Americans?
At the moment they call themselves Republicans, or conservatives, or Tea-Partiers. It doesn't really matter - all they need to remember is that "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind." - tax free... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I guess it's only the 'stiffness' issue, but he does not yet appear comfortable. That'll probably work itself out, but the main problem for me is that he's in 'pump it up' mode throughout the broadcast; trying to make small things sound like huge things, and too often making someone's 'mistake' sound like a felony.
I've come to respect Sharpton the politician, and to admire the Reverend Al - especially when I realized that he's an important and admired person to a lot of young people. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
He's so underwhelming; coming across like an adolescent - like worst greek at the worst college in the most deranged red state on the GOP map. I am mortified to see new evidence every day that this is now what the Republican party is all about. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"First prize went to Tucker Barnes, a reporter for Fox 5, who went live from Ocean City, Maryland amid a strange, brown foamy substance. He reported that it “didn’t taste great” and had a “sandy consistency”. Apparently, it was raw sewage."
Gad! - You are a fool, but loud enough to also be obnoxious. Turn down the clock-radio and increase your meds - Reagan needs you strong when he returns... About Death Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
That's a very exciting story - driving the Klan crazy by exposing KKK facts on the 'Superman' radio show! Somebody's just gotta make a film about this guy and his secret and dangerous spy mission. It's pretty exciting stuff, and there's no more fun than destroying Klan plans or defeating NotSee nonsense. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
He's got his theory, his mouth, and his microphone. That's all he's got - if America needs more in a leader, it definitely will need to look elsewhere. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I don't think it goes too far to say that Medtronic is in bonehead thinking mode. This is potentially a life-or-death scenario and the company acts first to protect itself; not its' customers - the patients who are in the path of danger. Maddening and completely unacceptable. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The advice from criminal profiler Pat Brown is very valuable and important - emotional situations are powerful and can cause someone to lose sight of personal safety; something that should never happen. Ever. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Might as well put you on a loop... I think we all got it about 500 moans ago: you hate liberals, and you think by rearranging clichés... right? About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I like Alex but you're spot-on. She 'pitches up' way too much - near constantly; which makes her statements into passive questions, with no sense of authority, and the whining is unbearable.
I don't mean to dump on her, but I don't know why someone doesn't mention this to her - unless her viewer numbers show that she's cornered the entire whiners market - and as always, big advertiser bucks beats almost every other consideration. About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...I wonder how I survive - I seem to be making way too many assumptions. In any event, it's Saturday morning and I'm enjoying pre-quake California; hope you're safe from storms wherever you are... :-) Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Progressive, eh? Well, I usually research better than this, so my bad. I owe you a beer... Guess I'll have to fan you to keep an eye on such an inscrutable fellow. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
nicely put. The coin-operated GOP greedsters keep telling themselves that the high road is to strip-mine the labor force, make a bundle, and finance enough politicians to make sure the ride stays sweet. About Unions Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The poster is an attack on America, say the baggers. And since they run the Republican emotional system these days, the conseratives have just totally abandoned American workers; the evidence is everywhere. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
...you know, I can't quite figure out what you're trying to say. I know that the fallen Navy Seal was an 'animal enthusiast' - and I bet he too loved both people and dogs - so I feel that I'm in good company with my sentiments, but I just don't see where your thoughts fit in - unless you're absolutely convinced that deep down I really value dogs more than human beings. Or worse, that you think any progressive has to be flawed; with misplaced priorities. Yeah, I bet that's it... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Even though I know next to nothing about this topic, my gut tells me there's absolutely nothing to like or respect about what the Cherokee nation has decided to do. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Just a few years after we've cleaned up the embarcadero - destroying that absolutely awful sight-blocking, beauty-sucking overhead freeway - and now they've got a whole new plan to ruin the views and clutter the landscape.
Using the embarcadero to demo their plan tells me that even if they're not clueless, they obviously haven't looked at the clues closely - you don't block the Ferry Building is always rule #1. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
yeah, I caught that too. Doesn't seem real swift to be associating your project with the Titanic in any way - but maybe it's the Olympic... About Video Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I lived in Marin County for the last 30 years of the 20th century, and I visited China Camp often. I love this place - it is unique, and I hate to hear of Frank Quan not being able to continue living in this amazing anachronism on the shores of the San Francisco bay. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
My thoughts are something like yours - I wasn't necessarily a fan, but she was consistently professional, honest, and a sincere advocate for her wholesome, common sense view of the world. What's not to like?
"They're so proud of their image: the new GM, the new UAW," Siglow said. "They preach all this bullshit -- brotherhood, solidarity, whatever. You know what? My family is ripped apart. Nobody is helping me with nothing."
...don't lecture us on how we're supposed to feel. If you don't have the capacity to feel for more than one thing at a time, keep to the side of the road... 'but that's just my opinion' About Military Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Yup! Corporations are not supposed to do anything other than make money - if you're the CEO who does something contrary to that, the Board sues you, fires you, and hates you. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"Apple is Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs is Apple, and Steve Jobs is innovation. You can teach people how to be operationally efficient, you can hire consultants to tell you how to do that, but God creates innovation. ... Apple without Steve Jobs is nothing."
It's never good when Phil Gramm is involved. Back in the day he could be seen at some interesting recording sessions in LA, where we knew him as 'One Gramm' - you figure out why. Snow people - you had to love 'em.
The Perry credo is barley more than a bumper sticker - "When government is the enemy, it's OK to cheat the government" - in this case it was government employees; which the GOP likes to think of as the left's bastards. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost