Sunday, June 30, 2013
Eloquent Maddow
She has a way of exression that sometimes puts it together and takes your breath away, like this - "Gay people exist. There's nothing we can do in public policy that makes more of us exist, or less of us exist. And you guys have been arguing for a generation that public policy ought to essentially demean gay people as a way of expressing disapproval of the fact that we exist, but you don't make any less of us exist. You just are arguing in favor of more discrimination, and more discrimination doesn't make straight people's lives any better."
Louie Gohmert: DOMA Decision Means Laws Against Polygamy No Longer Justifiable

Louie Gohmert seems to have a piñata of odd interests that he either pursues or thinks about - and since it sounds like he's about to defend some barnyard hijinks that repulse most non-crackers, we'd better leave the room...
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John Roberts: Supreme Court Justices Have Become Too Aggressive In Questioning

...the sophists got to you first, oh well. One last try: these are not laws designed to stop fraud, they are designed to stop certain voters. There is no good reason for someone not to understand this to be the fact.
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Fox News Spends 6 Minutes Describing Why Mr. Rogers Was An 'Evil, Evil Man'

Hey kids, it's another Fake Fact from Fox - and it's maybe their best promo yet. In describing the Great Recession that is slowly killing the American middle-class, this 3-on-a-match pack of goofballs is pushing the idea that America is on the skids because Mister Rogers told kids that they were entitled to success, and if they had grown up in Mister Righty's Neighborhood, they woulda' cleaned the toilets or missed dinner!
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Wendy Davis: Abortion Rights Supporters Will Not Back Down In Texas

Pound on every Perry you can find - in Nebraska, California, Maine - anywhere that they appear, doing their work against your personal autonomy and freedom. They have proven, to even the most jaded, that they are anathema, and those not believing as they do, are in very real danger.
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John Roberts: Supreme Court Justices Have Become Too Aggressive In Questioning

Perhaps the worst thing about college is that you never can tell for sure which of those right-wing jerks is gonna be the one that everyone will someday wish had been aired out when sophomores were still in season. It sure woulda' made things easier today...
But John Roberts is still here, and wakes up every morning and gets to realize - again and again, that he is the Supreme Supreme who led the way to the courts current practice of vivisection. Because of his own wish, and as a result of his court's actions, Texas and a blur of other red states, are right this minute inacting voter ID laws to minimize minority voting, and are moving forward likkety-split to implement the other typical mechanisms to reduce democrat voter participation.
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Saturday, June 29, 2013
Phyllis Schlafly: Latinos Don't Get Bill Of Rights, Have Too Many Kids

...they're related by venom. Like Schlafly, Coulter's mother was glued to her whiteness, and a repellant, repeat offending hater.
About Latino Politics
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Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Rick Perry Jabs Wendy Davis For Being Teen Mom: Too Bad 'She Hasn't Learned From Her Own Example'

He is enemy and needs to be pulled out of his chair and thrown away. Nothing good can come from such a low, bought man. This awful era for Texas needs to come to a halt, and hopefully Wendy Davis is the first lit match in the Texas darkness. It is indeed intoxicating to see the progressive "mob" fully awake, psyched to the hilt, and ready to fight without quarter!
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Tim Huelskamp Readies Constitutional Amendment To Ban Gay Marriage

Picture the results - cops working a list, going to homes of gay married people, using a blowtorch to remove wedding bands, and leaving some 'How To' booklets on finding a hetero-mate during last call at some bar on the sad side of town.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Franklin Project Co-Chair Alan Khazei: National Service Can Become A Universal Rite Of Passage (VIDEO)

I heard that from a drunk in an alley next to a porn theater decades ago - yup, that's gotta be you...!
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Franklin Project Co-Chair Alan Khazei: National Service Can Become A Universal Rite Of Passage (VIDEO)

No conservative is gonna send their kid anywhere where government comes across as providing a meaningful service to humanity. Government is trash collection, war, and crime control; that's it. If you wanna glass of water, build an aqueduct; if you wanna take a bus to work, buy a bus and get to work!
About Service
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Allen West Suggests John Boehner Subpoena Obama Over Scandals

Allen West is a special case. Somewhere in his head bad ideas gestate and ready themselves for him to cast them into the river, looking for anything stupid enough to bite, and there are tons of semi-catatonic idiots with semiautomatic weapons out there, wearing flip-flops, listening to rabid-radio and armed to the teeth with massive amounts of bad information supplied by West and the other destroyers of worlds. They will bite with glee...
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John McCain Urges Tougher Stance With Russia, China

The cranky old bomber from yesteryear is like a lizard on a rock - nothing to do until something heats him up - like war moves, or a state of danger, or the hot air of fellow righties.
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Samuel Alito Rolls Eyes While Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reads Dissent

It is illegal to not brake for Supreme Court Justices - in case you were going out for a spin and were wondering...
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Men's Wearhouse Reveals Why George Zimmer Was Fired, Dramatic Statement Blasts Founder

It takes a lot emotional turmoil to let one of your children go out alone and make there own decisions - and inevitably be influenced by others. Many aging business owners are surprised to learn how powerfully deep is their love for the business they created in their lifetime.
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Men's Wearhouse Reveals Why George Zimmer Was Fired, Dramatic Statement Blasts Founder

Congratulations to the bored - those corporate raptors who don't fully understand that the public isn't bored with having a company's founder guarantee that "you'll like the way you look" - clearly declaring that his success is because he will do what it takes to make that happen. Without the founder's verbal guarantee, we'll need that guarantee in writing; clearly stated, but it'll be far short of what George Zimmer promised with just a few words in the air. Now they're just a clothing store.
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Jodie Laubenberg, Texas GOP Lawmaker, Suggests Rape Kits Can Give Abortions

This is so disgusting. Laubenberg outta be chased across the prairie like an escaped in-patient. But instead she will be defended by idiots with nothing on their mind but a hat, and nothing in their heart that isn't either related to them by blood, or allied with them in hatred for the 'other'.
How did it come to be that Texan conservatives would continually swear that they are ready to pack-up and go away - and never do? What a gyp!
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Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

Of course it is my decision. But you'll lose the trust of customers if you pull those shenanigans. Maybe we've stumbled on why your "One Right Wing and a Spud" franchise failed so miserably.
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Monday, June 24, 2013
George Zimmerman's Lawyer Tells 'Knock-Knock' Joke At Trial (VIDEO)

I know. Zimmerman's lawyer first knock-knocked himself off the bridge, then went on to stumble through what seemed like a clumsy rehearsal of an unshaped presentation - complete with back-ups, switch-backs, forgotten names - eegads! This is a road to the clink...
About Trayvon Martin
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Clarence Thomas Compares Affirmative Action To Slavery, Segregation In Opinion

While I don't share your view of Justice Thomas as a heroic figure, I understand your comments and appreciate their sincerity.
About Video
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David Gregory To Glenn Greenwald: 'Why Shouldn't You Be Charged With A Crime?' (VIDEO)

My definition of courage has nothing to do with running to or from anything. It has many qualities, one of which is doing something valuable when forces are lined up against that happening. Emptying "my guts" to China - or any of our country's adversaries, would not be valuable, so I don't disagree with you about that...
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Texas Abortion Bill: Republican Lawmakers Approve Tough New Restrictions

Forget the Alamo! Texas, with the gift of republican theories, is a foreign country, and I could not care less about them. Forcing their daughters to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is a vile act by demented, self-loathing human beings in the throws of losing their humanity. They will grasp at the rest of us as they go under, finally having realized their horrendous error. Don't touch them with any length pole - let them drift away from the dock and disappear over the horizon.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Rand Paul Opposes Immigration Reform Even With Border Surge Amendment

Huh...? How in the world can you be surprised that some other country does not believe in "America first"?
About Rand Paul
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Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

I smell red malarky... drenched in sugared pork butter. Take it back to the bunker. It smells awful - but nice try.
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Saturday, June 22, 2013
Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

Wow!... If you found out that any of that was harmful to my kids, would you tell me?
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Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

You are wrong. Most people would assume that a decent person would tell you if they knew that what they were advocating was unhealthy. Deen knew - she said nothing. Is that your idea of excellence in... anything?
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Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

Wanna see American bull crap at it's most foul? Just check out the droves of jerks on the internet right now claiming that we all have used the "n" word, and other slurs, sometime in our lives, so "what's the big deal about Deen using such crap language?" Just to be crystal clear, there are lots of us who have never referred to anybody using the 'n' word - not even once. We cringe when we hear it, and we are always eager to get way from those who speak it.
About Food
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Food Network Facebook Page Inundated With Angry Paula Deen Fans [UPDATED]

For me there is hardly anything as repulsive as an unreformed southern confederate with a sense of pride of heritage.
What possible defense does Paula Deen have for her attitude on the slave era and her way of referring to African-Americans? What possible defense does she have for encouraging the creation and consumption of foods unhealthy for those with diabetes, while not divulging her knowledge of the potential harm, and of her own personal relationship to diabetes?
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Why AT&T And Verizon May Start Charging You More Fees

I feel a hand in my pocket, and when I check, it's gone, along with some cash. I texted the cops, but they swear it was just capitalism at work - so they arrested me for suspected socialism, and interrupting their break.
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Publicity dumping...
HuffPo hired the stoniest high-schooler they could find to decide which pile of boiler-plate publicity to publish as news. I betcha next they'll run a weekly "Miss Typo" contest among the latest crop of starlets released from rehab.
Check it...
Paula Deen Fired: Food Network Cancels Show After Racism Scandal

Here's the rule we all thought was still in effect - Germans don't get to celebrate the nazi era, and the American south doesn't get to celebrate the slave era. If that rule has been dropped, then I need night goggles, a Kevlar muscle car, and Google StreetView.
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Mitch McConnell: Citizens United Amendment Is An 'Absurd Proposal'

...zillions of people don't connect the dots and realize that if you vote for the worst candidate imaginable they might win.
About Mitch McConnell
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Mitch McConnell: Citizens United Amendment Is An 'Absurd Proposal'

Red meat doesn't need an explanation. Just throw it on the ground and red state fools will eat it raw, and vote for whoever threw it. McConnell and his political confederates never need to put together a cogent thought, or any plan for a better life for citizens - they just need a pickup truck and a shovel...
About Mitch McConnell
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Mitch McConnell: Citizens United Amendment Is An 'Absurd Proposal'

You bought the cheapest clock-radio, pre-loaded with nonsense, and it shows - your opinions sound like the blithering of a bipolar rightie who drinks.
About Mitch McConnell
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Mitch McConnell: Citizens United Amendment Is An 'Absurd Proposal'

McConnell is so wrong about so much that when he comes out of the men's room, one has to wonder what flushed what - all his thinking seems alien to the America I want.
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Friday, June 21, 2013
Paula Deen Apologizes In Video Statement Addressing Racism Scandal (VIDEO)

Even in a light, creamy sauce Paula Deen would be completely indigestible. Pehaps when the red states up-anchor and sail away to Fakeland, she might make a wonderful bon voyage chef - or a pungent paté?
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Thursday, June 20, 2013
E.W. Jackson, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Candidate, Claims Government Programs Have Done More Harm To Blacks Than Slavery (VIDEO), he's just ticked-off because it passed him by - I think evolution wanted something sentient...!
About Virginia
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Ohio Abortion Bill Contains Unprecedented Restrictions

Beyond insanity! Those distorted, anti-American fanatics in Ohio who support this proposed legal monstrosity are due a reckoning that I will support wholeheartedly. The women in my life are not hens, or puppy-mills - and definitely not the property of any church or any state.
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Margaret Doughty, Atheist Seeking U.S. Citizenship, Told To Join Church Or Be Denied

Ridiculous distinction! Those 'conscientious objectors' who do not belong, or will not join a church, are being denied citizenship. That is devastating, and it's more than enough to warrant some heads to roll, and procedures and rules to be changed so it doesn't happen to anyone again.
About Atheism
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Carnegie Mellon Tracking Algorithm Brings Harry Potter's Marauder's Map To Life

They "don't want their algorithm to be used for evil." Oh good, then that clears that up - plus, who would ever try to do bad things for huge profits. Geesh!
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Michael Burgess: I Oppose Abortion Because Male Fetuses Masturbate

Breathtaking! - he parks his wisdom in a dump and thinks it's a holy mount, while the rest of us deal with actual reality, where the soul is independent of the body, and where men like this are wrong...
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Jared Marcum Charge: 14-Year-Old Who Wore NRA Shirt To School Faces Year In Jail

I'm thoroughly with you on that...! It's like we're losing a foot of shoreline every day, and soon all the freedom will have washed away. It must be stopped - "fight without quarter is necessary if the good is to prevail."
About Education
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'Rain God' Oklahoma License Plate: Pastor Keith Cressman Lawsuit Approved By 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals

Then we'll have to dump In God We Trust from all the coins and all the paper currency - which a lot of us wouldn't mind (though I personally have no problem with any of it, so far). I can't see how the law will support this guy's claim without a lot of rethinking about all of this - which I don't think anyone is in the mood for.
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Monday, June 17, 2013
Microsoft Office Finally Comes To iPhone -- But There's Still No iPad Version

For some reason you think I'm a jerk. I don't, so we probably have different world views, eh?
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Sarah Palin On Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' (VIDEO)'s not neccessary to "make fun" of the nattering of a simpleton trying to drum up more simpletons - it speaks for itself.
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Sarah Palin On Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' (VIDEO)

Any time that Palin says something in public, the future cringes and history shivers.
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Rick Perry Attempts To Hit Obama On Benghazi, Instead Talks About An 'Embassy In Lebanon'

Rick Perry remains one of the most popular escorts on the right-wing dance card. He almost comes with casters so they can roll him into restaurants, hotel lobbies, and any late night bar where being part arachnid is a feature...!
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Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sarah Palin On Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' (VIDEO)

Bin Laden is gone, Gaddafi is bone dead, we haven't recently invaded the wrong people, and Sarah Palin did not become our backup President. I like those things, and any time that Palin says something in public, the future cringes and history shivers.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013
Microsoft Office Finally Comes To iPhone -- But There's Still No iPad Version

...brats, eh? Here's the deal - I just want the obvious to prevail whenever possible, and it's obvious that the iPad could use the Office and the iPhone chokes just thinking about it.
About iPad
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