Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Pope Bill Rides Some More !
Egad! Bill Donohue is the 'burst capillary' of voices for Catholic thinking. His energy is found in that part of nature not enjoyed by sentient beings. Steer away...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Tesla In The Sky With Diamonds
As a guy pushing the envelope, Musk leaves so many people behind that all they can do is mumble inanities and call their lawyers. I back the guy over the barking dogs all day long...!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Impacted Poverty
So vivid and so alive with the business of existing. One of the finest essays on poverty's modern face I have every read.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
10 Boys Arrested For Allegedly Using Snapchat To Make Child Porn

I just think we should walk the extra mile and try real hard to refrain from putting kids in jail - except when it is obviously the only remaining alternative..
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10 Boys Arrested For Allegedly Using Snapchat To Make Child Porn

If the result is as you describe, then this is reasonable. But too many resume building prosecutors are roaming the land and often snag easy targets, and sensational media coverage. Adolescence is a tough gig; we all go through it and, thankfully, most of us survive with great memories, exciting anecdotes, and no permanent harm to anyone. Let's hope that these kids avoid the mincemeat machine.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Local Otter fingered...!
Which local otter...? I knew that otter; that otter was a Facebook friend of mine, and commenter, you're no local otter!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
North Carolina Governor Appoints Anti-LGBT Attorney Buddy Collins To School Safety Post

I guess I'm supposed to be upset, but you seem to be self-cancelling, and tedious, so...
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North Carolina Governor Appoints Anti-LGBT Attorney Buddy Collins To School Safety Post

Yeah, but did you read the part where you have to get them to sign a release first? ...well don't bother because strangely enough, tons of them are signing up. Evidently they even piss themselves off.
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North Carolina Governor Appoints Anti-LGBT Attorney Buddy Collins To School Safety Post

Gee El Something, it seems like you lost your fight "for mental superiority", but wild guessing and a bad aim ain't gonna fix that. I think you're stuck, pal...
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French Newspaper Removes All Pictures To Show Importance Of Photographers

Yeah, and that's the real sour part of all this. Editors have learned that the general public will accept lower standards than what is offered by professionals - and publishers now know that they can move closer to cheap by borrowing into those new standards - even though it decimates the ranks of an amazing art and craft in the process. If people can accept a Skype interview on major television, and digest pixelated selfies and artless composition, then these are the bad days for yet another part of humanity coming up against the juggernaut of technology and the internet.
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Friday, November 15, 2013
North Carolina Governor Appoints Anti-LGBT Attorney Buddy Collins To School Safety Post

...wow! It's weird getting a comment like that. This frightened thing must be off it's meds - or just trying to scream with a keyboard. ...ugh!
Yet I was evidently a fan of this 'guy' - now remedied.
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White House Unveils Obamacare Fix For Canceled Health Plans

...we sorta figured you were on something - but I personally don't do pills, dude. Nice day? You too.
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White House Unveils Obamacare Fix For Canceled Health Plans

...yeah, we all wish we'd elected the gazillionaire Mormon with no bedside manner, nothing on his mind but hair, and a disdain for everything except cash. Those that went thataway evidently get you off. So listen to your clock-radio, clean your guns, and try not to talk too much - or at all would be even better!
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Sarah Palin Apologizes For Remarks On Pope Francis

I found Jesus's Yahoo contacts lying on the dining table and there was not one republican in there! ...and incidently somebody left a perfectly good hunk of tiramisu and a glass of chard.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A Terrible Man
Cohen is still oozing awfullness; these days to such a degree that it seems almost medical. But it is merely the natural quickening of fear and hatred that envelopes late-term conservatives. Not to worry - when he starts screaming into gay bars, or yelling obsenities at some hostess with bare arms, just call the cops.
Butt-sniffing Pot Cops on call...
It seems like sanity and irony can co-exist in Colorado - good to know! Surely, at the end of Prohibition, there were thousands of cops who recognized the foolishness that had occupied their working lives for so many years. If we want to follow justice, then we absolutely need just laws to support it.
Monday, November 11, 2013
No Union? You'll have to break a leg for a day off...
It's awful to feel trapped, and even worse to actually be trapped. Fear of loss of lifestyle, and unease about basic survival, is out there, loose in the American Shire. Feeding on that are red-state baggers and others, who know nothing of value to civil society and have relentlessly attacked the American core - convincing crowds to trade their future security for the horrendous lie that they will have a better, more honorable life alone in the world; with a tiny, shackled government.
But make no mistake, these people, and their ideas, are unstable at the core, and they are terrified of those of us who choose to band together to pursue happiness in healthy, safer and more secure circumstances - involving our government resources if needed.
Fixing all this means that we have to act decisively against the bad actors, steering them into a thoroughly foul ditch, and denying every iota of respect for their ideas; and for all of them personally and publicly.
Take a break, break a leg
But make no mistake, these people, and their ideas, are unstable at the core, and they are terrified of those of us who choose to band together to pursue happiness in healthy, safer and more secure circumstances - involving our government resources if needed.
Fixing all this means that we have to act decisively against the bad actors, steering them into a thoroughly foul ditch, and denying every iota of respect for their ideas; and for all of them personally and publicly.
Take a break, break a leg
Sunday, November 10, 2013
A Powerful Beginning...
Sometimes you don't recognize bad players until you hear a great one... she's someone to be heard, and I bet she will be!
Cooking Up the Bull
The blatant arrogance of these malfeasers reeks of a crazy GOP sauce that they spread on everything - like a twelve-year old with a loaded ketchup bottle.
The Burning Men Festival
What a disgraceful series of actions and inactions by Rural Metro. They should get hammered for this - and there's no discount for pretending, and failing, to be the professionals.
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Kelly Ayotte Calls For Obamacare 'Time-Out'

What about the fact that everyone is watching the T-baggers crashing the GOP prom and vowing to never fund public bathrooms until Obamacare explodes and all liberals are exported? How the fudge do you have a bipartisan negotiation with that?
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Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Bad Ideas Will Curl Your Hair!
Dueling. Out of all those neurons in a brain, his comes up with gunning down non-supporters - How classy is that!
Monday, November 04, 2013
Kelly Ayotte Calls For Obamacare 'Time-Out'

Got that backwards pal. We can't get a republican to even put the seat down for the next person, much less have a civil conversation with a liberal. They hate us so much they're vibrating, and on the verge of drooling. This can't work...
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Kelly Ayotte Calls For Obamacare 'Time-Out'

Some of them can't even "stand to look at" Obama, much less talk with him - in fact, just being around tolerant or compassionate or inclusive people makes a rightie go all queazy. They actually hide all night in bars and alleys, and then rush to get to Fox before the sun comes up, to prep for their daily fact-free pronouncements.
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Ayotte Wants To Smother Heathcare Reform With A PillowPillow
What a transparent bunch of hooey. Ayotte says "Convene a group of bipartisan leaders to address healthcare concerns in this country..." Oh gee, that's a great idea - why didn't we think of that...
She explains
She explains
The GOP in the House vote like spiders - nothing gets out unless it's wrapped in silk and can't do anything except wiggle and die...
Saturday, November 02, 2013
The fittest
Don't insult those who brought us here. You are standing in the winners circle - you won; your ancesters did the right thing and you are here. We came from the fittest - just hope we bring honor to them. We're here...!
Graham explains new rules for women.
I am without any sense of common citizenship with today's Republicans. They are created a sea of yachts in a world of need, fear and powerlessness, and now they are coming in through the bedroom window with new rules and new dreads. "At 20 weeks your ass is mine", says Graham
Friday, November 01, 2013
Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson Affair Revealed During Phone Hacking Trial

...conflate? Nah, I try to avoid buzzwords - I was just noticing your pride in achieving a Pyrrhic victory.
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Until the unsane mist evaporates and decency and common sense returns, the only reason to go to Texas is to protect women against Texans... Force others to obey you...
Fucking In Texas Creates Texans - or else!
In doesn't get much uglier than this. The least man in the country pulls the republicans into an abyss - as they rain fear and desperation down onto frantic women of Texas. Texas Fail
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