Thursday, September 23, 2004

Echo Online :: Opinions :: United Nations needs to clean up America's blunder, rebuild Iraq

Echo Online :: Opinions :: United Nations needs to clean up America's blunder, rebuild Iraq: "I do think it would be helpful to get the United Nations to write a constitution,' Bush said in the same interview. 'I mean, they're good at that.'

They're also good at legitimizing a government seen by many in Arab countries as an extension of Western imperialism, Mr. President. They're also good at making sure that elections are fun fairly and freely, and won't be seen as puppets of Washington if a pro-west leader wins.

If the American people ever hope to be free of the colossal blunder of anarchy in Iraq, foisted upon us by our fearless leader, we'll need the UN's help. If the American people ever hope to see the end of the deficit, and a return to spending our money on our country, we'll need the UN's help. And if America wants to se Iraq have a stable and transparent government, removing their potential threat to America, we need the UN's help.

Let's move from the Cabal of the Willing to the Coalition of the World. "

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