Monday, October 17, 2005

TimesSelect is the NYT soul unbarred - money first, then we'll talk

The NYT Miller Revelations - Preposterous speculation got us this far ... By Mickey�Kaus: "[O]ne of the greatest things about 'The New York Times' online is I got to reach an audience that just was exponential to what you got in the dead-tree edition of 'The New York Times.' And I particularly -- because I write about international affairs, so I got a lot of young people in India and Egypt and what not. And for them, $50, that may be their -- that may be their tuition for half a year. So I honestly am torn. I really hope this works, because I want 'The New York Times' to have a platform that is sustainable. But at the same time, I hope we can eventually find a way to re-engage those people, because definitely, we've lost some of them."

TimesSelect is anti-everything that the N.Y. Times should stand for.

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