Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Oh THAT old statement. I only say that when I don't care what I say.

The Messiah's Newspaper: "Judge Alito went on to say that 'racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed' and that he strongly favors 'limited government, federalism, free enterprise, the supremacy of the elected branches of government, the need for a strong defense and effective law enforcement, and the legitimacy of a government role in protecting traditional values.'
Mr. Neas said this proves the nominee's 'fervent allegiance to virtually every pet cause of the radical right' and 'underscores our concern that he would vote to turn back the clock on decades of judicial precedent protecting privacy, equal opportunity, religious freedom, and so much more.' "


Anonymous said...

"Oh THAT old statement..."

Busted ! You got that line from "It's a Wonderful Life" where Gloria Grahame, as Violet Bick, replies to the compliment about her dress by saying, "Oh that old thing? I only wear that when I don't care how I look."

Anonymous said...

