Friday, November 03, 2006

Diane Feinstein's Work Helping To Destroy Families Is Well Under Way

Bankruptcy is no longer a financial lifeline: "“A big misperception was and continues to be that the new law abolished bankruptcy,” says David Skeel, scholar-in-residence at the American Bankruptcy Institute, an independent research group headquartered in Washington, D.C. “It did not. We did not return to the days of debtor’s prison. What the Act did was make the filing process harder.”"

Bullshit. Debtor's Prison is most assuredly now on the table. A great many people will not be able to remove their debts due to the new Act and - unlike before, they will be handed a court order to pay a certain amount toward reducing their past debt balances. Some of these people will be unable to do so under the terms of the court order and will eventually be jailed for disobeying the court order. That is called Debtor's Prison by anyone with a pulse. The only news here is that David Skee, scholar-in-residence at the American Bankruptcy Institute, has learned to speak out of his ass.

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