Monday, December 25, 2006

The Only Freedom Left Is In Your Skull

Courts Are Cracking the Wall of Protection and Bloggers and Websites Will Go Down: "Robert Cox, founder and president of the Media Bloggers Association, which has 1,000 members, says the recent wave of lawsuits means that bloggers should bone up on libel law. 'It hasn't happened yet, but soon, there will be a blogger who is successfully sued and who loses his home,' he says. 'That will be the shot heard round the blogosphere.'"...

...the 1996 Communications Decency Act provides that "individuals who post messages are responsible for their content and can be sued for libel. That applies whether they are posting on their own website or on others' message boards."

That's MISTER Phill to you, chum. You drop the MISTER and I'll sue your ass till it calls a cab and books outta here !

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