Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Admiral's Son

Some Vietnam POW Activists Called Him ‘Songbird’ McCain and ‘Manchurian Candidate’:

This needs to get clearer, real quick - left alone, it will be a stink machine.

"Dr. JAMES LUCIER, former U.S. Senate Chief of Staff: But We do know that when he was there [in the Vietnamese prison], he cooperated with the communist news services in giving interviews there, ah, not flattering to the United States.

USRY: Information shows that he made over 32 tapes of propaganda for the Vietnamese government. Certainly, you do what you need to do to stay alive. Nobody would fault anybody for that. But there comes a point in time when enough is enough.

TERRIBLE ACTOR AND REPUBLICAN U.S. CONGRESSMAN ROBERT "B-1 BOB" DORNAN: They made those transcriptions, and in the transcriptions, I heard a POW who heard them comin’ into his cell and said, 'Oh, my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny — telling us that our principal targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches?' That was Jane Fonda’s line. Where are those transcriptions? Believe me — they’re in the archives of the museum, the bragging military phony museum in Hanoi. McCain could not have wanted those [to] turn up in the middle of a presidential race."

"They call McCain 'Songbird,' and say he received special treatment. Some in the POW community even believe he was brainwashed like Raymond Shaw, the character played by Laurence Harvey in 'The Manchurian candidate,' who was used as a tool by the communists to destroy America from within..."

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The reek of the leader's son anchor's many stories throughout history - including the vast Bush Soap Opera in which we have all lived as hapless extras.

I'm not in the least interested in going through the blasphemy of Admiral McCain's son.

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