Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain's Mooseketeer

Whatever Palin's Been Inhalin' is now the drug of choice for Republicans everywhere. McCain's Mooseketeer has issued her clarion call to the clueless to come and watch the Grand Old Soap Opera of her life - see Track Palin ready himself to set off for Iraq to fight for the "surge", watch the new baby stare off into the distance, wonder at the sex life of the pregnant Bristol, drool for a chance to hang with the gallant and handsome First Dude, and thrill to the precocious cuteness of Piper Palin as she licks things.

I regret to say that McCain's choice to add Palin to the ticket is by any measure bold, risky and brilliant. With this move - and the apparent success of "his" surge, McCain lays out a claim to leadership and evidence of superior canniness.

1 comment:

Phill said...

Well, I was wrong. It was short-sighted canniness.