Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sell His Blood

He Made Off With My Friend's Security:

I have a dear friend that has lost everything because of this dirtbag. She is 61 and has for years served the arts community, all the while building a retirement income fund from what she believed to be secure, steady, diversified investments managed by a highly recommended fund manager named Madoff. And, let's get this straight, she also believed - as I would, that the SEC and other government entities were run by professionals who knew their duty and, at the very least, were capable of detecting some of the most obvious criminal scenarios - like the world-famous Ponzi scheme.

My friend has been attacked and is devastated and is in great pain, and it is yet more painful to know that Madoff is not in jail at this very moment. He should not be in his home under house arrest. The crime is too great, and the accusations against him involve the ruination of people suddenly financially disemboweled, with fear and poverty staring them right in the face.

That he walks around his home - while so many others will lose theirs, is hard to stomach. Somebody in the justice system must lead the way in getting this monster behind bars before he enjoys the mercy of taking his own life, and certainly before he lives another moment believing he belongs among us.

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