Monday, January 19, 2009

The Motor Home Driver

Black Like Him is Nobody's Goal - Clarence Thomas Unqualified for Emulation: "But he is not crazy, he's just... Clarence; Uncle Remus wearing a robe: an embittered, eclipsed, forgotten Negro -- outted by the most admired man in the world, the first African American President, a Black man who earned his way to the top, a self-made man, not an appointed man, who pulled himself up by his bootstraps, and never forgot or rejected his people.

And Clarence Thomas? Once a footstool of the right wing, now just a footnote, He will be known now and forever for what he really is: The Unqualified Justice. Thank goodness Obama has pulled that robe off, and laid bare this pathetic little man who thought himself a king, but was and is, only a pawn. And Thomas knows only too well that the real king resides down the block."

Great, scathing article - must read it !

Clarence Thomas has famously expressed a lack of enthusiasm for the position he occupies and has declared that he would rather just drive his motor home. He might as well have said that his shit smells, for all anyone cares. He has proven to be a debased coin of the realm and nothing seems to be too low for him to grasp to further that legacy.

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