Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hey, Stop Mistreating Madoff

SEC And Madoff Reach Agreement On Fraud Case: "Madoff, who has not been indicted, is widely expected to eventually enter into a criminal deal with prosecutors in which he would plead guilty in exchange for some form of leniency."

Yes, that certainly would be a 'criminal deal'.

Leniency !

Yeah, all kinds of leniency - just as soon as we disembowel the disgusting insect, slap around the prosecutors, the SEC and the judges in this case, then make the evil curr adjust Christian Bale's lights.

Then give him to me. He stole one of my best friend's money - all of it. She can no longer afford health insurance and must un-retire and return to the job market at 62 years of age.

If this man is given any comfort or any leniency, I will haunt the fuckers that did so. Word.

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