Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It Drips With Bile

Liz Cheney begins her presidential run: "'We are seeing a situation where this administration, for some reason, continues to release information that is helpful to the terrorists,' Cheney declared. 'Releasing details about what was involved in the enhanced interrogation program, releasing the techniques involved in that program, helps the terrorists. It helps them train to those techniques, it takes those techniques completely out of the realm of possibility for future presidents to use. So it was a very damaging thing to do. ... They seem to be only interested in releasing things that really paint America in a negative light.'

In addition to accusing Obama of siding with terrorists, Cheney also argued that Attorney General Eric Holder, by offering to work with foreign governments, was refusing to 'stand up and defend American sovereignty.'"

If you're feeling cheney, grab a malkin and wipe your coulter. That sometimes helps.

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