Sunday, July 03, 2011

John Cornyn: Invoking The 14th Amendment On The Debt Limit Is 'Crazy Talk'

The clearly worded 14 Amendment is not 'crazy talk' - it's the Constituti­on and the law.

Cornyn's boiler-pla­te, coin-opera­ted proclamati­on has the authority of nonsense. There's no way to misread the language of this amendment, but it's quite clear the GOP brains don't run on facts - they want 'our' country to jump into 'their' box and do as it's told, wisdom and democracy be damned.

They're gonna war us to the ground. And unless we all wise up and fight back, America becomes one big Serf City, with a seashore at each end, lined with villas.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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