Thursday, December 05, 2013

Casting Shadows

Historian and archivist David Pierce has said that "few defunct art forms have the resonance of silent films.
"It's a lost style of storytelling, and the best of the films are as effective with audiences today as they were when they were initially released," he said. "When you take away dialogue from a narrative story, it actually puts quite a challenge upon the creative people involved to tell the story entirely in a visual fashion. And it's that limitation, I think, which makes the films so effective."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The problem with most silent films is that they still rely on dialogue - only it's text printed on inter-titles, or else the characters spend a lot of screen time emoting and mouthing the words - overacting at its very worst. The best "silent" storytelling relies on neither, but on a succession of expressive visuals alone.