Sunday, January 26, 2014


One of the purest, most beautiful voices I have ever heard in my life. She truly has a gift. I too agree that music is a force far higher and greater than ourselves. To be able to channel it is a blessing. To be able to receive it and let it transform you, even more so. 

I identify with her universal approach too. I have not found any absolute or unique insight or truth in any one religion that answers all the questions.

If the Infinite and Unknown is a beach, then each religion is like a portrait of that beach painted at a particular time of day by one particular artist. 

If you only saw one painting, you still have not seen everything about that beach. If you really want to know what that beach is like, you would find as many paintings of it from as many angles, times of day and through the eyes of as many painters as possible. 

I see no reason why I must only embrace the Northern Palestinian version of "the beach" and not the Navaho or the Ashante or Buddhist.

- Jessica J. HuffPo commenter

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