Friday, December 31, 2004

Fast Company | Are All Consultants Corrupt?

Fast Company | Are All Consultants Corrupt?: "Is the problem with professional services due to a lapse in ethics?
The real problem is that people do what they're told. They're simply in compliance mode. What's even more interesting is that there's so much going on that's stupid. People are making the wrong calls on stuff that doesn't even come close to ethics. But that's just common practice. It's what happens inside firms, because that's how people have been raised in business. Before they even get to an ethical issue, they've been taught that if there's cash to be made, then make it. So it's not as if they were wonderful to begin with and then suddenly there was an ethical challenge and they lost their way. The message has always been that nothing trades off against cash."

1 comment:

Phill said...

it's even woise !!! He goes on to say that, "The problem in professional services is that because the environment is so bountiful, you can get everything wrong and still have a nice income."

I like this guy's thinking.