Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Largest Ass Explains Hole - Keeps Digging It

Does This Guy's Ego Have Its Own Flag ?:

"RUSH: Jacksonville, Florida, this is Rob. You're up, sir, your turn.

CALLER: Dittos, Rush. Hey, I listened to your monolog about trying to equate the USSR and the Al-Qaeda problem as having the same solution. I just have to disagree with that. So one of the things I wanted to --

RUSH: I want to applaud you. I want to applaud you before you get into your point, because what you're doing takes guts.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: You're disagreeing with me takes guts. You've seen many people try this and bomb out, fail miserably, and yet here you are going to try, and I applaud you. Go for it.

Oooo, ooo, I just gotta break in here... You know, the old testament is the natural instinct of man in words, the new testament is the words of priests, and the ravings of Limbaugh and the myriad rightie thugs is the fart spray of incomplete men. But read on, it sucks yet more:

CALLER: Thank you. The USSR is a government, and that is basically a system on how the people will conduct themselves.

RUSH: No. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa who. The USSR was a system where the people had no choice in how to conduct themselves."

Bill O'Riley uses a Limbaugh to polish his Coulter.

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