Thursday, February 09, 2006

Stop Killing Westerners in the Name of Muhammed and We'll Stop Mentioning It

Rage Over Cartoons Perplexes Denmark: "Flemming Rose is not sleeping well these days. His cellphone glows with incoming calls. Cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten, Rose commissioned the caricatures..."

"'I think it's problematic when a religion tries to impose its taboos and rules on the larger society,' he said. 'When they ask me not to run those cartoons, they are not asking for my respect. They're asking for my submission'. To me, those cartoons are saying that some individuals have hijacked, kidnapped and taken hostage the religion of Islam to commit terrorism.'"

Press freedom is never to be surrendered to any entity. It is too absolutely essential for every human being who treasures free will. Yet, there is much room for consideration of exceptional circumstances without surrendering that freedom.

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