Tuesday, January 02, 2007

If A Conservative Tells You It's Daytime, Look Out The Window Anyway

Conservatives are frightened people. That's the key to their failures:

"For years now, the Rush Limbaugh set has been telling this joke: 'What do you call a liberal who's been mugged? A conservative.'

It's a pretty good joke, too, because it says so much about the people who delight in telling it. I don't mean conservatives or Republicans, necessarily, because the punch-line has less to do with politics than with human nature..."

"...They tell us: We're all out for Number One; only, liberals can't admit it. But what they really mean is: I'd sell out my own brother for a tax rebate; wouldn't you?

There's no trick to understanding the American conservative. The trick is in accepting the action that it suggests.

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