Friday, February 16, 2007

Dinesh D'Souza Is A Fiend

D'Souza Lies Through His Teeth: "D'Souza does not argue that the cultural left 'bears a measure of responsibility' for provoking the anger of the 9-11 hijackers or that it 'partly fueled' 9-11. Rather, he asserts that the 'cultural left' is the 'primary cause' of the 'visceral rage' that produced the terrorists who attacked America, and that 'without the cultural left, 9/11 would not have happened':" ...

..."Asked by Colbert on the January 16 edition of The Colbert Report whether he "agrees with some of the things these radical extremists are against in America," D'Souza replied: "I agree with it." ...

..."Asserting on Page 21 that 9-11 was "a message" from Osama bin Laden and other "Islamic radicals" that the United States is a "repulsive sewer" and an "immoral, perverted society," D'Souza concludes: "Thus we have the first way in which the cultural left is responsible for 9/11. The left has produced a moral shift in American society that has resulted in a deluge of gross depravity and immorality."

You all know this guy. Yup, it's him again; he's in every College in America and he brings the same cretinism to every argument he makes. He thinks that with his twisted thinking he cannot be seen, but of course he is indeed seen very clearly.

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