Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brit Hume Sleeps With Hannity - There's No Other Explanation

Hume and Hannity Mug Murtha While the White House Pretends to Take the High Road: "Here is Murtha on the troops: 'They must have the equipment and the training and they must be certified by the Chiefs of the various services before they can go back...'

And here is how Hannity described Murtha's position in a question to one of his panelists: 'Do you support the idea of taking away the equipment of troops in harm's way the way John Murtha just described?'

So, in Hannity's hands, making sure our troops are properly equipped becomes taking equipment out of the hands of soldiers in harm's way. Utterly shameless."

Hannity would be a fun hit, don't you think? If I was a thug and needed a coupla C-notes, I'd love to watch this guy be terrified at the deserved and expected misfortune. But that's sick, so skip it.

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