Sunday, August 31, 2008

Uhhh... What Am I Supposed To Do Everyday?

Get Her Done, America !!: "'As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

Damn straight, girly ! - you should demand that information on your first day in office.

Leighton Woodhouse, Communications Director at Brave New Films, writing in HuffPo, says that "the McCain campaign is doing what the GOP always does when it has to fight for working class voters in a debate that Republicans can't win on its merits: they are reverting to symbolic politics, a role for which Palin is tailor-made."

To use Sarah's wonderfully vapid, Hiltonesque new phrase, "absolutely, yup, yup."

Woodhouse's evolved prediction is that "The McCain campaign is going to trot Palin out whenever they need to make the case that they feel America's pain. They're going to contrast her story to Obama's, and even to Biden's (not the part about being a scrappy kid from Scranton, but the part about being in the Senate for a million years)."

"They're going to turn any question about Palin's 'experience,' whether from a Dem or from a journalist, into another elitist attack on working class culture, another example of snooty, brainiac liberals condescending to ordinary Americans. And to boot, a bunch of good old boys picking on Mrs. Mom."'s eerily like that scene from the cable series Mad Men, where they discuss the affect of the "Official Evidence of Cancer" on cigarette advertising and how the entire health issue is now moot - everyone's fucked, so no cigarette can be healthier than another. Checkmate.

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