Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ugly Girl

It was all real swell until western news media pounced and made it all ugly.

Watch "The King and I" - a known classic of American cinema, and revel in female star Deborah Kerr singing some of the most beautiful songs ever written. NOT. It was somebody else singing - Marni Nixon, whose beauty was not required, and whose accomplishments as an actress perhaps not yet revealed. So?

We're such slobs it's hard to believe we used to be decent Americans - before the various Contessa Brewers and the packs of Obermanns were let loose to drum up audiences whenever and however possible. You know and I know that to keep seeing those 6 zeros in their paychecks they'd drop their pants in a second. So torturing a little chinese girl with false shame is a cakewalk for these low feeders.

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