Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey Doc, I Need Damitol, 500 megs, STAT !!

Lawmakers Seek to Curb Prescription Drug Commercials: "“You should not be going to a doctor saying, ‘I have restless leg syndrome’ — whatever the hell that is — or going to a doctor saying, ‘I have the mumps,’ ” Mr. Nadler said in an interview. “You should not be diagnosed by some pitchman on TV who doesn’t know you whatsoever.”"

Prescription drug ads on TV is criminal to my way of thinking - it deliberately targets people's ignorance in order to extract money from them. It makes lay persons pressure doctors to prescribe drugs to avoid potential malpractice due to NOT trying something that MIGHT help a patient.

Prescription drug advertising to lay persons is an action that is so blatant - on TV all the time - that everyone assumes this practice must be OK. It is not OK; it is ethically indefensible, it is criminal and it is at the center of one of the most egregious activities in the history of American business. And, as its most terrible affect, it is raping the pocketbooks of the average American and is killing the American economy.

Look to big pharma if you want to see the criminals of today. Nobody is motivated to make the arrests, so if you want to make a sure bet, put all your money on greed to win.

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