Thursday, September 30, 2010
Supreme Court To Decide Whether Corporations Have Privacy Rights
Supreme Court To Decide Whether Corporations Have Privacy Rights: "In its Citizen United opinion last year, the Supreme Court struck down campaign-finance limits, which essentially granted American corporations First Amendment free-speech rights. As the Wall Street Journal points out, should the Supreme Court decide in favor of AT&T, it would be 'another step toward imbuing corporations with all the rights guaranteed U.S. citizens.'"
Wonderland Compound In Hollywood Hills: The 'Lookout Mountain Motion Picture Squadron'

I grew up off of Mulholland, not far from this place, and it was very exciting as a kid in the 1950s to bike around this mysterious military installation. During WWII my dad worked in the production of military recruitment films in this then very secret place that extended into the actual mountain. Amazing that this is all now on the market. What a special place it is - if all my money wasn't tied up in other people's pockets, I'd scoop it up.
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Carl Paladino Threatens Reporter: 'I'll Take You Out' (VIDEO)

Another charmer from the GOP - ready to bring it all down to pathetic gangster threats. Paladino meets their sinking standard of decency - the cliché in flesh. It used to be when the sun threatened to rise, guys like him would go away, but no more - this is the dawning of the Age of Nefarious.
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Say It Ain't So, Scarborough Joe
Mika's Treasured Sidekick -
"on july 20, fort walton beach police chief steve hogue said that a preliminary investigation into lori klausutis' death had not turned up any evidence of foul play, trauma to her body or any outward indications of suicide. however, the autopsy issued by associate medical examiner michael berkland on august 6 shows clear evidence of severe trauma to the head: a 7 1/2 inch long fracture stretching from the right temple across the top of the head, a contusion in the occipital region (at the base of the skull), a subdural hematoma -- a collection of blood on the surface of the brain under the skull -- on the left side opposite the fracture, and eggshell fractures under the brain above the eye socket.
certainly this evidence, in itself, should have been sufficient to launch an all-out police investigation. but, despite these findings, berkland concluded the death was accidental. this apparently caused the police to close the case.
in the autopsy, berkland disclosed that lori had an "undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia." the papers described the condition as "floppy mitral valve disease, which is typically marked by abnormal heart rhythms." according to the northwest florida daily news, the cardiac arrhythmia had "halted klausutis' heart and stopped her breathing," and the "blow to the head contributed to the death because blood pooled at the point where the fracture occurred."
however, the autopsy states that the subdural hematoma (the blood pooling) was on the opposite side of the brain from the fracture."
"on july 20, fort walton beach police chief steve hogue said that a preliminary investigation into lori klausutis' death had not turned up any evidence of foul play, trauma to her body or any outward indications of suicide. however, the autopsy issued by associate medical examiner michael berkland on august 6 shows clear evidence of severe trauma to the head: a 7 1/2 inch long fracture stretching from the right temple across the top of the head, a contusion in the occipital region (at the base of the skull), a subdural hematoma -- a collection of blood on the surface of the brain under the skull -- on the left side opposite the fracture, and eggshell fractures under the brain above the eye socket.
certainly this evidence, in itself, should have been sufficient to launch an all-out police investigation. but, despite these findings, berkland concluded the death was accidental. this apparently caused the police to close the case.
in the autopsy, berkland disclosed that lori had an "undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia." the papers described the condition as "floppy mitral valve disease, which is typically marked by abnormal heart rhythms." according to the northwest florida daily news, the cardiac arrhythmia had "halted klausutis' heart and stopped her breathing," and the "blow to the head contributed to the death because blood pooled at the point where the fracture occurred."
however, the autopsy states that the subdural hematoma (the blood pooling) was on the opposite side of the brain from the fracture."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
National Coffee Day 2010: What's Your Favorite Coffee? (PHOTOS)

For me, it all began in San Rafael in the early 1970s, when my then wife and I began buying delicious, rich dark coffee beans, roasted on the premises in Graffeo's store - and often purchased their surprisingly tasty fresh-water decaf beans. Then in 1976 I worked on music projects in Berkeley, about 2 blocks from both the original Peet's coffee store in Berkeley, and the famed Chez Panisse in its gourmet ghetto location. Got the picture? The SF Bay Area is just like heaven on a foggy day, with the best food and drink in the universe.
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Rutgers Student Believed To Have Committed Suicide After Classmates Allegedly Recorded Him In Gay Sexual Encounter

Absolutely disgusting and totally unacceptable behavior by these two. It sounds like they're part of the new swarm of slimebag, right-wing brown-shirts, out there trying to ruin lives.
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Michigan State Official Attacks Gay College Student For Promoting 'Radical Homosexual Agenda'

Shirvell is like a giant neon sign saying, "I am so obvious, it's scary."
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Sharron Angle And Her Husband Are On Government Health Care Plans

It is so dangerous for a society to accept the guidance of emotion over reason and intelligence, yet here we are, doing just that by entertaining the notions of crackpots - putting the lives of all citizens in jeopardy.
Shame on those who buy into the gibberish that might wreck our culture.
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What If Movie Characters Didn't Make Horrible Decisions?

...Oh this is fun! I could do this all day...!
'A Man About A Horse' - Worrying that Ben might never come back to her, Greta soon remembered that he was on a bathroom break and would return shortly, relieved and good to go for hours.
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Court: California Illegally Dumped Interns On Poor Schools
Court: California Illegally Dumped Interns On Poor Schools: "A Bush administration policy adopted by a California commission held that interns on track to receive teaching certification could count as 'highly qualified.'"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Carl Paladino Says If He Becomes New York's Next Governor, 'It's Not Going To Be Pretty'

This guy may be the biggest box of 'Everything I Don't Want' that I've ever seen.
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Serf Warning: The Big War is Here !
Dems Propose Bill That Would Gut FCC's Ability To Protect Net Neutrality
I don't need a waxman to know which way the wind blows...
...and yet, there he is!
For me the equality of the internet and the fate of mankind are linked, and the battle for ideas - even souls, will be fought there. Those getting in the way of the individual's equal access to information will be legion - the rapacious governments of fake royalty, landowners, the vagrant preacher, the organized cult's legal barricade, and the increasing horde of idiot children of billionaires - all must be hunted down and warred to the ground.
Religious Literacy: Americans Don't Know Much About Religion
Religious Literacy: Americans Don't Know Much About Religion: "Atheists and agnostics scored highest, with an average of 21 correct answers, while Jews and Mormons followed with about 20 accurate responses. Protestants overall averaged 16 correct answers, while Catholics followed with a score of about 15."
Monday, September 27, 2010
Katy Perry On SNL: Cleavage and An Elmo Shirt
Well OK, it's not really news, but worth celebrating nonetheless that the award always goes to the girl with the biggest breasts - it's Monty Python's law.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Christine O'Donnell: 'Evolution Is A Myth. Why Aren't Monkeys Still Evolving Into Humans?' (VIDEO)

It's probably a total waste of time, but it would be real swell if someone could explain to O'Donnell that monkeys didn't evolve into humans - and science never suggest that, but rather that monkeys and humans both evolved from common ancestors.
Ah, but never mind. It would be like explaining an iPod to a mama grizzly.
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Megyn Kelly Outraged At Colbert Testimony: 'What The Hell Was He Doing?' (VIDEO)

She goes for the cheap punch whenever possible. You couldn't have gotten odds that she would have let Colbert get by without a predictable Kelly snarkfest.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
Denver Archbishop Chaput May Reconsider New York Times Boycott

Wow, what a narcissistic man. He says he has issues about the coverage of the Catholic Church's sex-abuse scandal, but it's clear that the whole thing centers on him... and how he is treated. 'Maybe' he'll let the reporter talk to him... 'maybe' he won't.
This is very pathetic.
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Rep. Alan Grayson: Caligula's Horse
Rep. Alan Grayson: Caligula's Horse: "What we are heading for, here in America, is something very much like that. The way things are going, Big Money will choose our 'leaders' in Congress, and they will serve at Big Money's pleasure.
Big Money doesn't put horses in Congress. Just the hind-quarters of horses."
Big Money doesn't put horses in Congress. Just the hind-quarters of horses."
Blue Dogs Identifying Spending Cuts To Pay For Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy

The GOP is just hurtling forward with no idea in mind except tax cuts for the wealthy, preserving the momentum away from the progressive tax structure of our successful past.
We're losing the American middle-class at breakneck speed. Eventually, the manipulated Tea Baggers will awaken from their trances and find that they've been demoted to limo drivers for the wealthy - and they can ruminate on how the hell they screwed themselves so completely.
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Texas Board Of Education Approves Resolution To Limit Islam References

"A Texican is nothin' but a human man way out on a limb." That's from the 1956 movie 'The Searchers'. Here in 2010 they seem to be furiously at work sawing it off.
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Texas Board Of Education Approves Resolution To Limit Islam References

I hope those throwbacks realize that there are millions of people who think their actions are despicable, and who likewise are astonished that people exist in public life in America that can disgrace themselves so easily.
As for progressives, it's our own fault that we believed the wolf was no longer at the door.
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Christine O'Donnell Will Stop America From Sexing Each Other (VIDEO)

She's on the weird side of every issue. I think this runaway crazy-train is heading for a massive derail somewhere down the line.
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Christine O'Donnell Will Stop America From Sexing Each Other (VIDEO)

She's on the weird side of every issue. I think this runaway crazy train is heading for a massive derail somewhere down the line.
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Christine O'Donnell Will Stop America From Sexing Each Other (VIDEO)

The underlying philosophy of this character is vulgar and cheap. Her whole plan seems to be to run things up the poll - anything that can get attention - and see who salutes it. She's been doing it for years; getting nowhere. Then the Tea Baggers show up, sniffing around looking for the stupidest things they can find - and they all find each other - a Perfect Storm for O'Donnell.
I think this crazy train is a runaway; we'd better get ready for a massive derail somewhere down the line.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Sarah Palin Targets 'Obamacare,' Democrats Who Voted For Reform

Palin wants healthcare that provides "solutions to people of all income levels without bankrupting our country."
This means that lower income people don't need as much healthcare as the wealthy - they don't need as much aspirin or vicodin, and knee-replacement for BOTH knees would be best left off the menu if you don't make a 6 figure income.
Palins' outrageous assumption is that lower-income people have less significant heart attacks as the wealthy, so need less ambitious care. In her ethical universe there are different strokes for different folks.
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400 Richest Americans Got Richer This Year, As Most Americans' Net Worth Tanked: Forbes

You PAY for it by cutting spending, just like you said. The problem is that it would entail a cut in Social Security, Medicare, and myriad government entitlement programs, with no consideration of a social contract replacement. If you turn this government against the welfare of its citizens - putting fear on the table, throwing the middle-class into compromised circumstances - the revolt would be unstoppable, and the GOP would be measured for a tomb.
In spite of your tidy plan to just say NO, planes take off every 5 minutes - whether you're on them or not... and people need to eat every day.
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Thomas Hoenig Is Fed Up - BusinessWeek
Thomas Hoenig Is Fed Up - BusinessWeek: "Another reason Hoenig wants to end super-low interest rates is that Wall Street banks and large corporations are currently able to borrow for almost nothing and either hoard cash, make acquisitions, or invest in long-term Treasuries for a guaranteed profit. Retirees and other bank depositors effectively subsidize this borrowing and earn almost nothing on their savings. 'It's a distortion, and it favors the large institutions over the smaller ones and Wall Street over the saver,' Hoenig says in an interview. 'I just don't like it. It's not fair.'"
Serf Warning !
Serf Warning !
Thursday, September 23, 2010
8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think |
8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think "'There could be no such thing as landed property originally. Man did not make the earth, and, though he had a natural right to occupy it, he had no right to locate as his property in perpetuity any part of it.' Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice"
Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories
5 Absurd (But Mind Blowing) Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories "'Once you're crazy and know nothing about numbers, the chances of finding something psychotic and hateful in a Scrabble factory explosion are hovering just around 100 percent.'"
'None' Could Be The Kingmaker In Nevada Senate Race

...uh, yeah, a GOP win in Nov 2010 will get Obama re-elected in 2012 because our economic problems are too big for conservatives to fix in less than 2 years, and their failure to deliver will keep Obama in the white house through Christmas 2016.
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John Boehner At GOP 'Pledge For America' Unveiling: Privatizing Social Security Is Still On The Table (VIDEO)

Such a weak document, it's not worth thinking about. The only thing to know is that, yes, they do plan on wreaking havoc on Social Security - with words that is. But since we all have guns, they're not going to do anything at all - they're just gonna throw words at each other - for effect only - and they're gonna sit there and soak up the taxpayer provided benefits and salary and fat retirement, and watch the country slide down the chute. They've got theirs - they don't care a whit about yours.
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'None' Could Be The Kingmaker In Nevada Senate Race

Stop listening to the clock-radio and go look at your notes from the nineties - here's how it works: you slugs make a lot of noise, lie your buts off, and win in November; then you blow it for 2 years, and create freshly teed-off progressives and newly frightened independents who then re-elect Obama.
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Christine O'Donnell In 2007: Nancy Pelosi 'Doesn't Follow Any Of The Christian Moral Principles'

What a very vulgar woman. Christine O'Donnell is one of the reasons the GOP enjoys the reputation it has today.
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Renee Ellmers, GOP Congressional Candidate, Links Opponent To Park51 'Victory Mosque'

Her statements are as disgusting as can be. The GOP is scraping the bottom of the barrel all over the country, finding these scary dregs of society's fringe - whose awful ideas literally shriek from the mouths - and selling it all to frightened, enraged citizens.
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Dead Peasant Insurance
How did it get the name “Dead Peasant” insurance?
Winn Dixie Stores bought life insurance policies on approximately 36,000 of its employees, without their knowledge or consent, and named itself as the policies’ beneficiary. The insurance brokerage firm that placed the policies prepared two memos describing the deceased employees as “Dead Peasants.” These memos were part of the court’s record in a lawsuit in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that Winn-Dixie’s policies were a sham transaction for federal income tax purposes. The memos were later used by reporters such as Ellen Schultz and Theo Francis of the Wall Street Journal and L.M. Sixel of the Houston Chronicle and incorporated into articles about this type of insurance
Winn Dixie Stores bought life insurance policies on approximately 36,000 of its employees, without their knowledge or consent, and named itself as the policies’ beneficiary. The insurance brokerage firm that placed the policies prepared two memos describing the deceased employees as “Dead Peasants.” These memos were part of the court’s record in a lawsuit in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that Winn-Dixie’s policies were a sham transaction for federal income tax purposes. The memos were later used by reporters such as Ellen Schultz and Theo Francis of the Wall Street Journal and L.M. Sixel of the Houston Chronicle and incorporated into articles about this type of insurance
400 Richest Americans Got Richer This Year, As Most Americans' Net Worth Tanked: Forbes

Serf Warning: Don't make us angry. We wealthy folks obviously need to have our tax cuts extended. No doubt about it. How to pay for it? Gutt the new healthcare bill like a fish - and cancel those parts already affecting people; then return retirement planning to the people - let them buy their own social security and leave us alone already, like the good lord wrote in the constitution.
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Consumerist 'Worst Ad In America' Nominees Announced (VIDEOS)

My dad was a Mad Man in the mid 20th century, and I'm an ad junkie for sure. On top of the bad ads, there are also some really terrific commercials - real gems, like the new Subaru ads touting safety; especially the one with the protective dad and his daughter's first solo behind the wheel.
Unlike many on these threads, I'm a big fan of the FLO campaign. The actress is so absolutely indelible - starting with that very first commercial and her over-intense, in-your-face sales schtick.
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Consumerist 'Worst Ad In America' Nominees Announced (VIDEOS)

Progressive is only for those with guts. Like Zappa said, "I'll do the stupid thing first and then you shy people follow." Staying behind might be your better choice...
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'None' Could Be The Kingmaker In Nevada Senate Race

Angle deserves contempt for such bass akwards thinking and for her genuinely mean spirit. The self-defeating Tea Baggers and the general GOP herd seem to be in the mood to go off a cliff. But I'm going to be a sore loser - if this woman wins election to the Senate, even Sinatra in the flesh couldn't get me to Vegas.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Jerome Corsi Wants Obama To 'Renounce Lucifer'

This guy should board the next Rapturejet and get to heaven likkity-split. There are a lot of surprised and aghast folks there who also thought they had it all figured out.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Senate Repeal Defeated By GOP Filibuster

Wow, it's official. America couldn't find its butt even with the lights on - I'd rather join Caesar's legion as a fry cook than to vote for any of these carnival hacks.
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HP to Bundle 7-inch Android Tablet with $399 printer
The product is already dead. It would not have been developed after the Palm purchase. It's as if they're trying to get some gullible customers to cover yesterday's lunch with a bad date.
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Ex-Nokia Exec: Using Android Is Like Peeing In Your Pants For Warmth
Ex-Nokia Exec: Using Android Is Like Peeing In Your Pants For Warmth: "mobile manufacturers who go the Android route are doing no better than Finnish boys who 'pee in their pants' for warmth in the winter."
Carl Paladino Attacks Andrew Cuomo: 'Arrogant,' Lacks 'Cojones'

Somebody please put a bag over his head - or mine. I don't want to see this guy anymore.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Christine O'Donnell Jokes About Her Witchcraft Past

Sorry, I disagree with your viewpoint, but never mind that - I want to know what the heck you are trying to say about "murdering millions of people." ?
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Joe Scarborough: Christine O'Donnell 'A Lot Better Than Palin' (VIDEO)

Say it ain't so, Scarborough Joe ! Say you don't really mean that O'Donnell offers your idea of a positive value for this country.
Maybe it's just Joe's ploy to get more audience - it IS about money after all, not good citizenship.
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Christine O'Donnell Jokes About Her Witchcraft Past

Incredible! Obama says he's not a Muslim, and the wingnuts say "yes, you are!.
O'Donnell says she dabbled in Witchcraft and satanic ceremonies, and the wingnuts say "no, you didn't."
Huh?... now that's a near perfect example of wingnut logic, and maybe the best explanation of why the GOP thinks they can sink us...
Progressives are really gonna need a bigger boat!
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Samsung Galaxy Tab Release: Tablet Headed To AT&T, Sprint, Verizon 'This Fall'

No, this is the future; it's the past that isn't here yet - it's still out there in the universe.
Have you seen the stars tonight? That's yesterday... right now we're on the today show.
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U.S. Internet Users Are Staying Connected During Sex: STUDY

It's becoming pretty clear that nobody really wants a computer anymore; they want a solution device with a world-wide connection to everything. It's a big evolution in expectations, along with a drop-dead antipathy to 'computer' issues like security, safety, maintenance and 'network administration.' You can see the sign on their foreheads at Best Buy and Apple stores: "If it makes me reboot, I'm bringing it back."
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Great Punishment? Or GREATEST Punishment? (PHOTO)

ooops, you might be in a lucky bubble.
Human Resources departments all around America are researching their prospective employees online. In today's weak jobs market they need to keep their own jobs and are highly motivated to hire the squeaky-clean best they can find - which means 'sexydog' shouldn't be your Twitter or email name, and the photo of you drunk as a skunk on somebody else's Facebook page is gonna need an explanation.
You're right, I wouldn't want to work in that environment either, but... it's 2010 and that's the game that's gaining traction all over the country.
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Glenn Beck Mocks Michelle Obama At Right Nation Event In Chicago Suburb

Because we are hesitating and doing nothing to stop it, America is beginning to look like a black-and-white movie from the 1930s - where you can't see the brown shirts, but you can hear the terror in the voices of the growing crowds of wearers.
These Tea Party crowds of right-wing fanatics are built from the age-old template of fear, fomented rage, and ignorance. The world's Becks don't miss a trick, using their ill will to gain power and money until their followers are spent, rudderless, and impoverished.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Great Punishment? Or GREATEST Punishment? (PHOTO)

Parenting fail, albeit with good intent. But they've opened up a way for him to be harmed down the road - that picture is on the internet forever, and he may well have to explain it to potential employers for the rest of his life.
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Joe Scarborough: Christine O'Donnell 'A Lot Better Than Palin' (VIDEO)

Ooops! Joe's got a new fact-set to digest. The latest news that O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft and satanic nonsense would seem to take her off the table - but not in todays GOP carnival. No siree. Get this woman a gun and holster, a bible, a copy of the latest Declaration Of GOP Gibberish, and a shovel, and she'll shoot, preach, rant or dig her way to the 2012 convention, or the bottom of the barrel.
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Joe Miller Says Unemployment Benefits Are Unconstitutional, Struggles To Say How He Would Deal With Poverty (VIDEO)

This man offers nothing to recommend having anything to do with him. The empty wisdom, mean spirit, and pure stupidity of his ideas should be an embarrassment to the GOP. It isn't.
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Al D'Amato Unloads On Fellow Guest On Fox Business: 'Racist Bullsh*t' (VIDEO)

You're all over the map, but what's it a map of?
Do you want us to hate Obama, Bill, the guy D'Amato smacked down, or you... I don't get it.
About Video
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Al D'Amato Unloads On Fellow Guest On Fox Business: 'Racist Bullsh*t' (VIDEO)

Wow! Impressive. I have never felt any affinity for D'amato - or his politics, but the man went for the gold and took the very highest road - calling out the crime in indelible, plain language, and I really, truly appreciate that he did so. A great moment.
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The Link Between Poverty, Obesity and Diabetes

I love this excellent idea! "Learn a recipe using inexpensive, fresh, whole food to create a delicious meal and teach that recipe to three people. They, in turn, could teach three more people."
How can a country be great when its people are slowly dying? It all seems to be such an insidious trap - cheap satisfying calories with limited nutrition as the ONLY choice - with real food miles away!
So, we have to get the food to the people who need to make these better choices; that means that methods must be discovered and implemented, such as permits for vegetable catering trucks connected to neighborhoods by Twitter and other networked announcement schemes, and of course perhaps most immediately by delivering healthy food through existing school infrastructures.
The facts that Hyman delineates show that our society has made a colossal mistake in feeding its citizens. This must be remedied if we are to survive as a great society.
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Why exercise won't make you thin | Life and style | The Observer
Why exercise won't make you thin Life and style The Observer: "in defiance of decades of New Year resolutions, it's unlikely to make us slim."
But it still can help you rearrange how it all looks - stronger definition all around, better buttocks, washboard abs...
But it still can help you rearrange how it all looks - stronger definition all around, better buttocks, washboard abs...
Montana GOP Policy: Make Homosexuality Illegal

Maddening, isn't it? They talk about the constitution as if it's an ode to money. They don't really understand or care about the meaning of the words themselves, nor do they understand the world in which it was written. It's more than just a shame - it's also a travesty.
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The Link Between Poverty, Obesity and Diabetes

Good comments, again... and again, and again, and again...
As a society, we are woefully pathetic on this topic. We all know this information; have for some years, but America's sordid version of capitalism has it's own agenda - and it starts and ends with profit. "Fat Children Who Pay" is the current prey in their sights.
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