Monday, April 30, 2012
Harry Terjanian and the heckler...
"I know you're trying to have a good time, and you are having a good time ... Here's what it is: You're pretty. And even in this fucking awful light, I can see that. No, don't fucking hide, now. Get up there and show everyone your pretty face. And I'm sure you're used to guys listening to your nonsense, but I'm not getting a blowjob from you tonight, so it doesn't matter to me. Do you understand? Doesn't matter how big your tits are, how well you use that mouth, I don't give a fuck -- so I don't have to listen to the lawn mower 'pap, pap, pap, pap, pap,' I don't care ... That fucking poor bastard you're with, his whole mission tonight is to make sure you get enough water so you don't pass out on the way home."
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Jimmy Kimmel Addresses Marijuana Legalization At White House Correspondents' Dinner 2012

That's way more than just 420 people - the elites are 'ripped and ready' as never before!
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
Rewrapping Divorce as a Gift

I remember it well. And like you I found it to be the perfect launchpad for Scene 2...
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WHCD 2012: Greta Van Susteren Responds To Meghan McCain Criticism
FEC Disclosure Loophole Closes On Secret Donors As Court Won't Stay Ruling

Discovering the "The Sociopath To Greatness" is the sole achievement of having taken the Reagan fork in the road and having become addicted to the greed at the end of the Koch line.
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FEC Disclosure Loophole Closes On Secret Donors As Court Won't Stay Ruling

You know Dan, you seem stuck working on that fur-ball of yours. Maybe you'd better split from L.A.; plus, we're gonna need your parking spot - real soon now, so say your piece, insult your betters, and drive back to (your red-state name here) - there's no other place you can get that liberal helping of rightie nonsense that you crave!
About Campaign Finance
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FEC Disclosure Loophole Closes On Secret Donors As Court Won't Stay Ruling

I know you are, Pee-wee, but what am I?
...uh, you do realize how predictably and transparently bunched you appear - right?
About Campaign Finance
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Cop Shoots Dog: Untrained Officers Commit 'Puppycide' (PHOTOS)

...imagine all of our fond wishes that you meet just the right dog.
About Dogs
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Paul Ryan Suddenly Does Not Embrace Ayn Rand's Teachings

Let's stop pretending that he has anything to do with being an atheist. Ryan is a pagan who has dragged his gods into the christian tent - it's a massive misfit that followers of Ayan Rand have been harping on like silly sophomores all their adult life.
It's good to see the spotlight fall on this pocket of pesky nerds... but not so good to see them winning elections.
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Paul LePage, Republican Governor Of Maine, Calls State Workers 'Corrupt'

Sorry, dude, progressives are not afraid of conservatives. They are repelled and disgusted by the sheer failure of humanity that conservatives represent. Pretty soon they'll yet again have to drive the pagan righties down into their bunker, and oblivion...
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Friday, April 27, 2012
John McCain: Obama Playing Politics With Anniversary Of Bin Laden's Death

McCain's statement is a rich gumbo of hypocrisy. From the world famous bomber from yesteryear, whose career bristles with irony, you'd think some wisdom might emerge... but no.
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Phoenix Puppy, 'Cactus Jack,' Adopted After Found Face-First On Cactus (VIDEO)

Your clock radio has you by the brains - real soon now a whole bunch of us are gonna insist on a country with less of your mentality and lots more decency. But ok, we promise not to grill ya'...
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Nancy Pelosi Says She'd Back Simpson-Bowles Plan (VIDEO)
Viking Moll
This is considered GOP high-class, delivered by one of their beloved blonds. Not that there's anything wrong with blonds - bottle or otherwise - it's the repellant spectacle of right-wing attack-fems vying to see who can look most like a Viking moll.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Great Scott! - Not
Ooops, sorry... We're flat out of morals, but somebody left some parables and a notion around here somewhere... Would that help?
Beyond the Tea Bag - Here Comes the 2 Bagger !
Scott sold the 'Up Staircase' at each public school and bought pee-cups, huge piles of abstinence, and - at the request of almost everyone - 2 bags; which he refuses to wear.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spanky and Mitt's "He-man Woman-haters Cub"
“Nice - the guy's a salad bar of crispy clichés and lotsa ham. It'll be fun grazing for progressives...”
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Screwing The Pooch Is The Only Sex The Right Approves Of
I expect nothing less from red-staters. You can't discuss anything with them, and in fact they don't even have conversations on any issues - they just have bumper-sticker "shout-outs"...
But the fact that they want you to live by their rules is enough to start the war that's on it's way.
"Innovation Is Our Most Important New Marketing Term"
When people find out how much moolah Joe 'Call Me Mister Innovation' Smith makes from his patent on portable napkins, lotsa people will start patenting all kinds of 'innovative-like' things - hoping other people will shell out bucks for them and make them rich too.
'Innovation' is a word that helps get money from your pocket to Joe's pocket. 'Sucker' is a word that describes the mentality of those of us who believe all this malarky.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Walking On Chuck's Grave
"I shudder to think of what I'd been if I had not gone to prison," Colson said in 1993. "Lying on the rotten floor of a cell, you know it's not prosperity or pleasure that's important, but the maturing of the soul."
The 'Awfulettes'
The noise coming from the right is simply awful, and as lead singer of the 'Awfulettes', Sarah goes lower than anyone - and loves doin' it! If she ever goes any lower - and surely she will - she won't even be sanitary.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Ted Totals Remaining Credibility
As probably the most ineffectual American who ever wore a stupid hat, Nugent is the perfect Tea Bagger.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Nutgent Cuts One Again... Inhofe Inhales
"I can't figure out what people are talking about," Inhofe said on CNN. "He's talking about him, that Ted himself will either be dead or in jail. Now, how does that relate to the president? I have a real hard time putting that together."
Inhofe has a real hard time "putting that together"? And for wrapping deceipt inside feigned cluelessness, taxpayers supply this guy with a pension and boundless healthcare.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Ted Nugent: 'I'm A Non-Violent Guy, I Don't Threaten' [UPDATED]

Watching him whining about his impotence in the political world is quite fun - I guess - but he still costs too much. I'd prefer he drink a bunch of booze and wander out into his private woods during one of his "Rock-It, Cock-It and Shoot-It" parties... that might result in exquisite justice.
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Jesse Kelly, Arizona Republican Vying For Gabrielle Giffords' Former Seat, Wins Special Primary Election

Remembering Palin's' famous 'gunsight' poster targeting Progressive candidates - naming Gabrielle Giffords by name! - and I can barely refrain from hopping a Greyhound and taking it to these weasels in person. Nothing could possibly substitute for hearing the elite right-wing blasphemers in full, loud regret.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

...ain't it the truth! Liz and mom Lynne are right-wing eagles in the vast 'War On Wisdom', so at some point they will not be able to restrain themselves, and will pitch a flaming bummer into the bonfire - just to reclaim their status as American banes.
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Rich People Have Less Compassion, Psychology Research Suggests

I'm thinkin' that the comment was sneering at those who believe that laziness is underneath every hardship; not agreeing with it.
But I have to admit that your comments sing like a jackal - pounding home a cluster feast of judgments, sour notes and fear that will soon be taught in home schools everywhere good booze is sold. First-class cynicism... Kudos!
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Rich People Have Less Compassion, Psychology Research Suggests

...oops, you didn't pay attention to the colon:
The comment was sarcastic...
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Monday, April 16, 2012
Woman Sobs Over TSA Patdown: Fair Or Foul? (VIDEO)

If a male demands that a female pat him down, then that'll probably be their last date...
About Polls
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

It's like a horror film where mutants take over America because some General misunderstands the President's order and instead of testing the Atomic Bomb in the American Southwest, he tests it 'on' the Southwest, creating sun-dried right-wing zombies that terrorize everyone - and vote!
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36 Views Of The Hamm's Brewery: Dan McHale, Local Artist, Captures Iconic Beer Sign In Collection (PHOTOS)

I love the moods of a city, and Dan McHale brings them to his work, which in turn brings them to me. They feel personal - but not private, and almost ache with their exquisite fixation.
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Ann Romney: Hilary Rosen Controversy Was 'My Early Birthday Present'

If you wonder why she is so incredibly irritating, this should do it.
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

Then OK, a corral it is!
I'll go put on my Wyatt Wear chaps and meet you there. Imagine - all of them in one place - they call it Arizona; the mind reels...!
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TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Chris Hayes has a terrific program for those wanting to understand a bigger picture. It's almost always filled with very heady and thoughtful discussions - in fact, for me it's the best show on any cable news channel. Hayes can juggle, straddle, muse and think - in layers and with no ego driving everything to his view. Plus - and I don't want to put too fine a point on it, he's sorta like brilliant...
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Mitt Romney Outlines Policy Details At Closed-Door Fundraiser, Suggests Eliminating 'Some' Departments

Allright! so he won't tell us what part of government he'll dismember. Fine. Then I won't tell him how many times I sneek in and help Ann change 5 diapers and feed her 5 adult kids, so she can run to her job at the local "Eat and Sneeze" drive-through.
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Sunday, April 15, 2012
Obama Tax Return Claims Mortgage Deduction That Most Helps The Rich

Huh? Everyone who is paying off a mortgage gets to use this deduction. What is the Huff Po point?
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Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

...I bought your golf clubs about an hour ago on eBay. And wait until you get home... what's left of it. But we shouldn't be surprised - 'Mitt' is the Viking word for 'Bugsy'.
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Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

There's something about Romney that doesn't fit. The guy seems to be right out of the nineteen-twenties Hollywood dream factory - he's the generic 'Homecoming Guy' from Southern Illiana University, with Dapper Dan hair and a wide, non-smokers grin that audiences wanna lop off with boos and taunts.
But in the GOP universe, the only thing that tops that is the 'Gipper Guy' from the nineteen-thirties Hollywood - the one who rarely gets the girl, but can drum up tearful sympathy for losing a body part, and lotsa cash for being a pitch man for (place corporate name here).
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Saturday, April 14, 2012
Roger Ailes: Soledad O'Brien Was 'Named After A Prison'

He speaks 'frat boy' English and as usual it's cringeworthiness escapes him...
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Obama Tax Return Claims Mortgage Deduction That Most Helps The Rich

This is a headline in search of a story - finding none, it sets out to whip up a nice big silk purse, but sorta like totally fails to do it.
How about "Obama Spends Over 5 Hours A Day Just Lying There - Saying Absolutely Nothing About Anything!" - ridiculous, but you can prove it!
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Friday, April 13, 2012
Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

... If not, it will hopefully lose in the classroom.
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

...yup, I'm just assuming that the only hope is for an America2 - a nation for those who can see the astroids' approaching and feel the temperatures' rising - within us and without us.
Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

...well, the last time we only acted after the bad guys fired the first shot. Are we still polite? I can't tell... but I sure don't feel that way.
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

...oh great - I bet they heard you. Now they'll just stuff us naysayers like pate-making geese and then sell us for profit! Then they'll misinform our kids...
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

Right. In college I would expect to find such courses; in fact I would hope that they would be among the choices - but not earlier, as a component of the compulsory educational environment.
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there's a few being held in some 'spring-training-turned-detainment-center' inside of meteor crater, near Flagstaff - now that would be ominous.
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

No, you're thinking of hideous madras print shirts from Cost Plus - they are worse than bad!
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

...yeah, that's the ridiculous part of all this. It's sorta like pinning a lapel pin on Marilyn Monroe - nobody's got their eyes on the pin... and everybody knows it.
About Jan Brewer
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Arizona Bible Course Bill To Teach Elective In Public Schools Passes Senate, Goes To Gov. Jan Brewer

Who's teachin' what to who?
Well, of course, the first question I have is how they will answer the question of whether or not their is one God and if Jesus is the son of God. I will not be paying any taxes to evangelize ideas that are not part of my beliefs.
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Douglas Kennedy Invokes Father's Assassination During Court Appearance

Sorry, but I would go ballistic times 10 if somebody tried to take my child out of my arms. This is all about the fact that, as the nurse said, it happens all the time and nobody does anything about it. This time they'll get even - oh, and 'coincidently' there's notoriety and money here too, so...
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Thursday, April 12, 2012
Hilary Rosen, Democratic Strategist, Criticizes Ann Romney For Having 'Never Worked A Day In Her Life' she isn't, but she runs right up to the microphone anyway. We will always respond, so get used to it.
About Mitt Romney
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Hilary Rosen, Democratic Strategist, Criticizes Ann Romney For Having 'Never Worked A Day In Her Life'

Obama and the Democrat Party represents working women, Ann Romney represents those that don't need to work and that have abundant heathcare coverage anyway - something that she could choose to speak about - but doesn't, because she can't.
That's the buzz in the workplace, whether conservatives like it or not...
About Mitt Romney
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Ann Romney and Working Moms
...of course it means something when she gets out in public and pretends to speak about the plight of women in America's distressed economic landscape. You are absolutely wrong if you believe she gets some sort of 'King's X' to speak about what she would not be able to understand.
About Mitt Romney 2012
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About Mitt Romney 2012
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Ann Romney and Working Moms
You can stop Rosen from saying it, but it would still be true - and will be talked about around water-coolers the world over. Ann Romney speaks for her own experience, and to her peers. Where she is, we are not; where we are, she is not - therefore her remarks mean nothing to us...
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Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman's Attorneys Quit, Say Client 'Disappeared'

What I keep thinking about is the fact that if someone with a gun starts following you - and you are menaced - or legitimately believe that you are, you can't fight back without the gun-toter now having a legal right to kill you dead. This is rotten, fatally flawed thinking on the part of the citizens who have allowed this to come to pass. My respect for those Americans doesn't exist...
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Allen West: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members (UPDATE)

Frank had zero to do with how the financial institutions chose to achieve the end that American's wanted - more housing for all strata in society; not just those at the upper end of the economic spectrum.
I can tell that your clock-radio disagrees. You shouldn't try to think until after you turn that thing off...
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Axl Rose Declines Rock Hall Induction: Singer Says Guns N' Roses Reunion Will Not Happen

Nothing is so over as that which we whine about. I plan to think about Rose for another 37 seconds, then I'm gonna publicly refuse the Nobel Prize and tell the cleaning lady all about it...
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Ann Romney and Working Moms
Great comments. I hadn't heard the tale of Romney's deplorable hospital episode with the young mother, but it adds to the list of cringeworthy, jaw-dropping warnings that keeps growing as an impossible-to-ignore shout-out by God that this guy is totally out of town... and must be forced to stay there.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Allen West: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members (UPDATE)

Since you've evidently let FOX fondle your brain and reformat your ethics, truth can no longer find you - and you're in somebody's bag. Don't you find that alarming?
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Allen West: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members (UPDATE)

West is way overdue for his a colo-electile exam - some GOP blowhard mass is spreading, so he'll definitely need the full 6ft tube...
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Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman's Attorneys Quit, Say Client 'Disappeared'

You're jumping the gun. We don't know what the charges are yet - and that is gonna be a way big deal. If the charges don't fit with what people believe happened, then we are about to enter the very thick part of this unfolding horror story.
About Trayvon Martin
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