Monday, March 05, 2007

Hair Man Arranges Facts To Cover His Ass

'Don Imus Goes To Walter Reed With McCain And Sees NOTHING - then Blames a list of Democrats: "Sandy Karen was horrified when her 21-year-old son was discharged from the Naval Medical Center in San Diego a few months ago and told to report to the outpatient barracks, only to find the room swarming with fruit flies, trash overflowing and a syringe on the table. 'The staff sergeant says, 'Here are your linens' to my son, who can't even stand up,' said Karen, of Brookeville, Md. 'This kid has an open wound, and I'm going to put him in a room with fruit flies?' She took her son to a hotel instead."

I'm a major Imus audience junkie - there's something hyper-real about him. But he's an egotistical mess.

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