Saturday, May 05, 2007

"Troll Culture Repulsive To Temperate People" say Repulsive People

Conservatives and Some Broken Clocks Might Be Correct Once A Day: "The conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer wrote in Time magazine that to teach intelligent design “as science is to encourage the supercilious caricature of America as a nation in the thrall of a religious authority.” George F. Will wrote that Kansas school board officials who favored intelligent design were “the kind of conservatives who make conservatism repulsive to temperate people.”"

The Grand Canyon was dug by Brigham Young. He also dug his adorable, angelic, pubescent brides, Messalina, Floatilla, Enola Gay, and Tricia. So did Fuzzy, the Penisaurus, and all the many, many unbelievable inhabitants of Creationville.

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