Monday, May 14, 2007

"What the fuck is this flaky coot talking about"

McCain Dismisses Democratically-Elected Iraqi Parliament's Call For US Withdrawal: "So we witness the face of democracy as seen by a senile confused old man. Oh please let's elect this bonehead who thinks the elected representatives voting doesn't count" - konchster, comment on HuffingtonPost

"It's the people that want us there. Well, the ones who aren't shooting at us, at least. Well, it's really those who won't shoot at us if they ever get the chance. They're the ones we're fighting for - the infants." - G. Callaghan, comment on HuffingtonPost

"To think I used to have respect for this man, now he's turned into a worthless Bag-O'-Crap.He doesn't need a flak jacket, he needs a straight jacket." - JinnRikki, comment on HuffingtonPost

"Poof. Gone. Lost in space. I don't know how anyone could have ever have admired this buffoon. - mtrav, comment on HuffingtonPost

"You will accept the democracy we give you, not the democracy you want. Did you check your balls and integrity into a trust fund or just sell them outright...?" - WinstonSmith, comment on HuffingtonPost

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