Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Download Until They Squirm and Beg

Thomas Jefferson Warned Us: "The record industry claimed that she used a certain Internet name to illegally download music at 4:20 a.m. on May 20, 2004. Andersen searched the Internet for the name and easily learned that it belonged to a young man in Everett, Wash., who admitted on his MySpace account that he illegally downloaded music.

Andersen provided the information to the record industry, but officials responded by publicly accusing her of downloading a series of violent, profane, obscene and misogynistic songs. Andersen was an avid user of mail order CD clubs, so 'defendants knew that Ms. Andersen listens to only country music and soft rock,' the suit says.

The recording industry's expert finally confirmed that Andersen's computer had not been used to download music, but attorneys still demanded that she pay money before they would drop the case."

This is not good. Lobbyists for the copyright industry have nearly completed their acquisition of the laws they need in order to purchase and control the rights to our culture, our history, our experiences. The living of a life will require a series of licenses.

This is a battle for everything. Fight without quarter is neccessary if the good is to prevail.

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