Saturday, August 04, 2007

Gingrich Decorates His Usual Bullshit With Some Truth

Gingrich Opens Mouth and Says: "
'None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war' ..."

"What I'm trying to start is a new dialogue that is evidence-based," Gingrich said Thursday. "It doesn't start from the right wing, it doesn't start from the left wing," he said, but is an effort to get politicians and voters to "look honestly at the evidence of what isn't working and tell us how to change it. ..."

As usual, this all sounds great, but will distort to its true shape as he begins to explain what he sees as 'evidence'.

"...'We have got to get past this partisan baloney, where I'm not allowed to say anything good about Hillary Clinton because 'I'm not a loyal Republican,' and she's not allowed to say anything good about me, or she's not a 'loyal' Democrat. What a stupid way to run a country.'"

He's right of course. There's something within him that without fail will destroy any attempt he makes at amity; whether its days or weeks later, he will sabotage the good and bring on the bad.

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