Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No Standards - Plenty of Hypocrisy

"Hypocrisy is better than no standards at all":

That delightful declaration of fact from "former" gambling addict, moral leader and physical slob William Bennett says it best and clearest.

Scott Reed, a republican party strategist, applied words to the obvious:

"'The real question for Republicans in Washington is how low can you go, because we are approaching a level of ridiculousness,'” said Mr. Reed, sounding exasperated in an interview on Tuesday morning. 'You can’t make this stuff up. And the impact this is having on the grass-roots around the country is devastating. Republicans think the governing class in Washington are a bunch of buffoons who have total disregard for the principles of the party, the law of the land and the future of the country.'"

Hypocrisy is the only intellectual activity not frowned upon by the leading conservative republicans and, indeed, is all they strive to achieve.

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