Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wolves Ate Our Nation

Alan Greenspan's Inconvenient Truth: " is his view on the motive for the 2003 Iraq invasion that is likely to provoke the most controversy. 'I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil,' he says."

'Crazy Al' Witnesses The Feast: "Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan criticized President George W. Bush for pursuing an economic agenda driven by politics rather than sound policy, with little concern for future consequences....

...'The Bush administration turned out to be very different from the reincarnation of the Ford administration that I had imagined. Now, the political operation was far more dominant,' Greenspan, 81, wrote...

...Greenspan's frustration extended to Congress, which let spending get out of control, he wrote. ' 'Deficits don't matter,' to my chagrin, became part of the Republicans' rhetoric,' he said. 'The Republicans in Congress lost their way. They swapped principle for power. They ended up with neither. They deserved to lose.' ''

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