Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Dicks
"About a dozen retired generals and admirals, trying to add momentum to President Barack Obama’s effort to close the Guantanamo Bay military prison, are accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz of scaremongering about the dangers of closing it.
'It’s up to all of us to say these arguments advanced by Cheney and his acolytes are nonsense and that really what they’re doing is undermining our national security by delaying the date at which Guantanamo is closed,' retired Brig. Gen. James Cullen, a former chief judge of the Army’s Court of Criminal Appeals, told POLITICO Tuesday.
'Some of the fear issues that are being raised in this are really unfortunate. It gets people excited about things they shouldn’t be excited about and impedes doing what is critical to this country. Get that damn symbol off the table,' said retired Gen. David Maddox, a former Army commander-in-chief for Europe. 'We take a setback every time somebody, whether it’s the vice president or his daughter comes out and says the things that they say….We have to get out there again and just keep pounding.'"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Trent Franks - GOP Scum
"Obama's first act as president of any consequence, in the middle of a financial meltdown, was to send taxpayers' money overseas to pay for the killing of unborn children in other countries," said Frank. "Now, I got to tell you, if a president will do that, there's almost nothing that you should be surprised at after that. We shouldn't be shocked that he does all these other insane things. A president that has lost his way that badly, that has no ability to see the image of God in these little fellow human beings, if he can't do that right, then he has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of humanity."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
"I Don't Need Maternity Care"
"I don't need maternity care," Kyl said. "So requiring that on my insurance policy is something that I don't need and will make the policy more expensive."
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), interrupted Kyl: "I think your mom probably did."
The amendment was defeated, nine to 14.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mugged and Drugged
" are some thought provoking findings to ponder.
• If you lower bad cholesterol (LDL) but have a low HDL (good cholesterol) there is no benefit to statins.
• If you lower bad cholesterol (LDL) but don't reduce inflammation (marked by a test called C-reactive protein), there is no benefit to statins.
• If you are a healthy woman with high cholesterol, there is no proof that taking statins reduces your risk of heart attack or death.
• If you are a man or a woman over 69 years old with high cholesterol, there is no proof that taking statins reduces your risk of heart attack or death.
• Aggressive cholesterol treatment with two medications (Zocor and Zetia) lowered cholesterol much more than one drug alone, but led to more plaque build up in the arties and no fewer heart attacks.
• 75% of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol
• Older patients with lower cholesterol have higher risks of death than those with higher cholesterol.
• Countries with higher average cholesterol than Americans such as the Swiss or Spanish have less heart disease.
• Recent evidence shows that it is likely statins' ability to lower inflammation it what accounts for the benefits of statins, not their ability to lower cholesterol.
So for whom do the statin drugs work for anyway? They work for people who have already had heart attacks to prevent more heart attacks or death. And they work slightly for middle-aged men who have many risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure, obesity, or diabetes."
"...If these medications were without side effects, then you may be able to justify the risk - but they cause muscle damage, sexual dysfunction, liver and nerve damag,e and other problems in 10-15% of patients who take them. Certainly not a free ride."
A lot of us spend a lot of money for a lot of drugs that do no more than make a statistic go up or down - and with a narrative to explain the importance of making that number change.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Not Miss California

She says, "And I am disgusted at the way some people can be so intolerant. It disgusts me."
She needs to answer some questions before she opens her mouth, the most important of which are why did her god put homosexuals on earth, and is she supposed to condemn his work. She really needs help and will not get it from her new friends. The GOP loves her misery and will use it until she wises up and apologizes to herself for being such a fool and an ass.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Republican Roy Blunt Pulls Monkey Out of His Ass

"'This is an opportunity for us,' Blunt told his predominantly white audience, 'this is a time for us to be more of who we should be.'
Congressman Blunt then went on to tell an anecdote which suggested that life in Washington, for GOP members today, is comparable to the lot of imperial British agents in India who had to contend with monkeys running amok on a golf course that the colonial occupiers had carved out of the verdant Indian jungle. There was a problem, the Missouri Representative explained; monkeys would come out of the jungle, grab golf balls, and throw them about. Amidst swelling laughter from his audience Roy Blunt narrated, 'I could go into great and long detail about how many things they did to try and eliminate the 'monkey problem.' But they never got it done, so finally this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule and the rule was - you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it. [audience laughter swells] And that is the rule in Washington all the time.'
It seemed like a direct window into the psyche of the revanchist wing of the GOP; politics is a golf game and unruly Democrat 'monkeys' have swarmed out of the jungle to disrupt the play. Since it is impractical to 'eliminate' the monkeys, accommodations will have to be made. Republicans will now 'play the ball where the monkey throws it.'"
There is NO racism anywhere in the Republican party. None. None! Nein! None...!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Glans Saxby
Swearing on a stack of Bibles that Saxby Chambliss is the Glans Rightie of Evil may be a bit much, but just in case, the homemade Saxby Chambliss voodoo doll (I use a round cheeseball) can hold hundreds of pins - I try to add a few every day! it just me, or does Saxby seem to be withering ?
O'Goebbels - git 'er fuzzy

"I want, not personally for me, but for working Americans, to have an option, that if they don't like their health insurance, if it's too expensive, they can't afford it - if the government can cobble together a cheaper insurance policy that gives the same benefits, I see that as a plus for the folks."
Double whammie from Der Softie !! - emotionally satisfying, and he's right !!! What the fuck ??
"...Indeed, supporters of the public option do so for the very reasons O'Reilly notes. A study by the nonpartisan Commonwealth Fund found that 'a public coverage program similar to Medicare would reduce projected health care costs by about $2 trillion over 11 years, and reduce premiums by about 20% on average. Within about a decade, 105 million people would be enrolled in the public plan, and about 107 million would have private insurance, according to the Commonwealth Fund.'"
O'shit, this makes me uneasy... and how long before a seemingly inevitable clarification ?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Evil Medical Insurance Industry
This is so sickening...
It's Up And At 'Em ... starring Pile Driver

He's the Pile Driver, and it hurts... downloading near you !
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Baucus/GOP Health Care Bill Goes Nowhere
Republicans are revealing themselves to be worse than anyone in America ever imagined - surely not me or my family or any of my acquaintances. Today's GOP is a thug army of people I thought had disappeared from America - the cheaters and the liars and the willfully ignorant haters that we swept away decades ago in order to allow us all to come together as a multifaceted culture and a cohesive nation.
We need to drag these America killers from their homes and beat the crap out of them... and let them crawl down to the emergency room to beg for a bandaid.
Reluctantly I am at the line in the sand, but I am oh so ready for this.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Girls of Corregidor
"'This woman is being put into a position she is not even remotely prepared for,' he said."
Gee W, ya' got it wrong: after coming down from the hills to learn to type, Michelle Malkin became the governor of Guam. Sarah Palin remains not the governor of Alaska, and has not learned to type, choosing instead to paste cliches on her Facebook.
Obama Is An Indonesian Muslim Turned Welfare Thug
Williams shrugs and responds, 'Yeah, that's the way he's behaving.' An incredulous Cooper asks Williams if he really believes Obama is an Indonesian Muslim and a welfare thug. The tea party leader digs the hole a little deeper: 'He's certainly acting like it. Until he embraces the whole country what else can I conclude.'"
No more calls please; we have a winner !!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Jack the Ripper

Glenn Beck finds himself in this situation in 2009 – arriving from a fuzzy alcohol past to find a chorus of pain and aesthetic confusion. And, like Jack, he will play his part without pause and in full measure, feeding on fear and feeding fear, killing human spirit in trade for the personal sensations of greed, hatred and perversion. He will live on as long as conservatives need him to provide the unthinking gangs needed to stop any hope of spiritual cohesion and shared humanity.
Glenn Beck, like Jack, is a driven man. If you wonder why a man would do such things, wonder first why Jack kills.
Inhofe A Confirmed Birther
Inhofe is another real big bag of it. But there are so many...
There was a time when I could entertain a conversation with a conservative because it seemed that the shared goal was to end up stronger and enriched and resolved. That was foolish and I am now totally disabused of such a concept, thanks to the example of the current crop of idiots and malfeasors pleased to call themselves conservatives.
The Sick Sarah, Coulter-Malkin, Hannibeck weanies are now on full view to all Americans - and the world - as they pass gas out into the public conversation and ruin all hope for America to remain an ethical player on the world stage.
"Butts in the Air" Democrats
Is America coming apart?
"...Old heroes like Columbus, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee are replaced by Dr. King and Cesar Chavez."
Stonewall and Robert are not heroes to me; they are warnings.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
More Tin Hats for the Asshats
"...Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., a heart surgeon and a co-sponsor of the counseling bill, says the legislation is aimed at promoting important discussions between doctors and their patients about critical end-of-life issues, such as having a living will. He says those discussions are a “good medical practice,” and doctors who spend time counseling their patients about their wishes should be reimbursed through the Medicare system, as the legislation allows.
Now, Boustany says proponents may have to “back off” and reconsider the issue “at some point when the temperature had cooled down.”
“Frankly, this thing got really out of hand,” he says.
As always, hypocracy rides on the backs of Republicans as they proudly trot through history.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Spanky In The House

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The government role is to protect the poor, cover us against catastrophe, enforce safety standards, and ensure provider competition
"I’m a Democrat, and have long been concerned about America’s lack of a health safety net. But based on my own work experience, I also believe that unless we fix the problems at the foundation of our health system—largely problems of incentives—our reforms won’t do much good, and may do harm. To achieve maximum coverage at acceptable cost with acceptable quality, health care will need to become subject to the same forces that have boosted efficiency and value throughout the economy. We will need to reduce, rather than expand, the role of insurance; focus the government’s role exclusively on things that only government can do (protect the poor, cover us against true catastrophe, enforce safety standards, and ensure provider competition); overcome our addiction to Ponzi-scheme financing, hidden subsidies, manipulated prices, and undisclosed results; and rely more on ourselves, the consumers, as the ultimate guarantors of good service, reasonable prices, and sensible trade-offs between health-care spending and spending on all the other good things money can buy."
Monday, September 07, 2009
Alcohol Palin and Piles, Oh My

I have a dream that their parents might still be alive - get to them and demand the truth !
Find and challenge their children to a debate... publish their GPS locations so that we can stop their liberal lies ! Do unsane weird shit in front of cable-news cameras whenever possible ! ...THEN go batshit evil and shoot anything and anyone that pisses you off !
Go Go Go ! I'm just gonna stay here at the ranch while you go murder someone in Beverly Hills who's watching a Sharon Tate movie sure to tell the cops to remember that I'm just your humble clown, Glenn Beck...
Another Invisible Handjob

"There are 'troubling similarities' between the US President's actions since taking office and those which in the 1930s sent the US and much of the world spiralling into the worst economic collapse in recorded history, says the new pamphlet, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs."
...another tinhat enclave that, according to Wikipedia, "styles itself the UK's pre-eminent freemarket think-tank. Its mission is to improve understanding of the fundamental institutions of a free society by analysing and expounding the role of markets in solving economic and social problems."
The Invisible Hand is a fabricated concept that comforts suckers, and embellishes the atmospherics of capitalism. In post-modern life it resembles a thrall drip prescribed by a wingnut psychologist.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Choice Science

Uh... are those really the only 2 choices, Dean? - who is also, incidentally, President of the Smart Choices board.
"Despite federal guidelines favoring whole grains, the criteria allow breads made with no whole grains to get the seal if they have added nutrients.
'You could start out with some sawdust, add calcium or Vitamin A and meet the criteria,' Mr. Jacobson said.
Nutritionists questioned other foods given the Smart Choices label. The program gives the seal to both regular and light mayonnaise, which could lead consumers to think they are both equally healthy..."
"...'The object of this is to make highly processed foods appear as healthful as unprocessed foods, which they are not,' said Marion Nestle, a nutrition professor at New York University."
"What I'm perhaps most disgusted about is the participation of Eileen T. Kennedy in this project. She's the president of the Smart Choices board... and the dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. I'm friendly with a number of Friedman School students, faculty, and graduates, and quite frankly, this is not something I would have expected from them. Big Food will always be Big Food, but they don't need to have academics and health experts lending credibility to their bullshit in this way."
They're betting that this is a very smart choice for their industry. Unfortunately for the kids, the final choice will be made by 'we the shoppers', and our record of achievement in the face of sugar is very poor.
Woodless Nation
Joe Queenan's article is a great read!
"..the Celebrities Crossing the Styx epidemic..." Come on !!!
Der Righty's Favorite Tune

"Supreme self-regard" is where Krauthammer excels; in fact, he didn't need to write this - we all know the words to Der Righty's favorite adolescent anthem.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Obama Has Cooties...
The students probably didn’t know any better, but this is an idea that has been rejected by virtually every economist not named Larry Kudlow."
...granted, this is a rather weak factoid kind of retort - a really low-level rebuttal, actually - but it's all I had...
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Finger Bitten Off In Fight At Health Care Rally
Now we're gettin' somewhere - here, pull mine.
Your GOP Neighbors

The republicans of America will never recover from the Town Hall spectacles of August 2009. I never expected to see this happen to my fellow citizens; I thought we were "a lot of people pulling together who hate each other's guts", but it is beyond that now. The ugliest among us are now front and center, flaunting their idiocy like a badge of honor, declaring and enjoying their ignorance of even the most basic of truths, arguing with history they don't even understand and praying to TV priests that take their money and leave them with Christian bling and corrupt beliefs.
What I now want is for all you seceding Texans - the arch idols of this set - to reach out and grab as many of your confederate friends as you can and leave already - quit barking your lunacy; just pick up your feet and exit the culture. Go play cowboy gunslinger with each other until you're no longer twitching. Go try to find another 4000 year-old planet to despoil, where king profit can steal from king death all day long without harming normal, decent Americans.
...and take Sarah Joe Plummer and all the other tards with you - we need to see you ALL leave.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Palin In Comparison

Ok, she is not yet the Glans Winger - that moniker still belongs to Newt, but she's got a bra and he doesn't. And somewhere in the mind of GOP thugs there is a plan to convert cleavage to victory. As one of them said, "we're workin' this one likkity-split!"
We need a new deal.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
President Scarborough?

But, it must be noted, Joe crawling toward the presidency does seem ridiculously inevitable. Thank goodness there are tons of outrageous quotes from this thug that cover almost all topics. With his snark in tow, he can piss off more people than a urinal and the cringeworthy clips of his treatment of female cohost Mika can be edited in 690 different ways – most all of which will show him being the paternalistic tard extraordinaire.
Bachmann: We Should "Slit Our Wrists"

'Right now, we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom,' she added. 'And we may never be able to restore it if we don't man up and take this one on.' She also declared it 'slavery' that some Americans pay half their income in taxes."
Fun fact: box-cutters are great for wrist-slitting.
DeMint Fights to Quash Health Care Overhaul
DeMint? He's on the list - I hope. His GPS number is on the mensroom wall, right?
You know, it's just too hard to remember these psychotics by their individual names. The "Bachmann women" says it all for me about the packs of GOP thug ladies and their hideous cracker smiles; and "fascist pigs" fits perfectly when alluding to a DeMint or a Newt, or Rush or a Krauthammer, or the various Dicks.
I just hope that somewhere there's somebody who can figure a way to finally get the confederates out of the country altogether.
The Texans want out, or at least they say they do - but there's the door and yet they're still hanging around... I don't get it. The deep-dish bible wackos want to be yanked straight to heaven - yet there they are, plus-sized, big-haired and the least likely to get off the ground as anyone - ever!
I obviously don't get it. I must have missed the meeting where all the good people said, "oh what the heck, let's just adore and admire their thong-covered feet and send them another bag of freedom fries.”
The only meeting I remember was at Appomattox Court House when we explained to them that they lost their disgusting cause because they were losers. Yet they persist in hanging around as if it was all just a silly misunderstanding and lunch will be ready shortly.
There is no lunch for them. There's no food for people like that anymore.
President Dick

The GOP has the right idea. Let's bring it all to a head; let's have Dick Cheney go up against those nasty old democrats who keep giving undocumented birth to a seemingly endless parade of liberals.
The Cheney family is basically all women these days, and it’s high time we get those women - not counting Dick - out there punching up the rhetoric with their easy-to-understand hypocrisy and their loyalty to their snarling dad.
But, more than anything, it’s Dick. He’s the one who should be given another chance to read the “Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside The U.S.” memo from 2001. He should be the one to erase that career-building fukup and bloom yet again - allowing himself to be championed by the low-info, plus-size, GOP flip-flop clad audience from every Tea Bag rally in the old Confederacy.
You want the best when you run somebody for President, and when it comes to Cheneys, it’s always Dick; always was, always will be.